WGU vs KU vs Certs, Advice
2025-1-28 01:15:28 Author: www.reddit.com(查看原文) 阅读量:9 收藏

The question is WGU(Western Governors University) vs KU(University of Kansas) vs Certs

(Skip this paragraph if you don’t want my background) So I’m a junior in high school and we started talking about enrollment for next year, this for the first time got me thinking about what to do after high school and what I wanted for a career. Obviously a good salary but also I’d love to be able to work from home, naturally I started looking at tech jobs since they met both from what I’ve heard.

I have practically no experience coding or anything related. That said I have over a full year to do whatever preparations I’d need since I won’t graduate high school till may 2026. Basically should I start learning so I can “fly” through WHU, go to my in-state school KU, or find like boot camps for certs.

More information: a traditional college experience is in no way a pull factor. That said from what I’ve gathered I’d get more connections/ networking going there, which is a massive boost for getting a job. As for the others I have basically no clue what details to provide but I’ll try to check this frequently in case anyone has questions.

Sorry for such a lengthy post but when I’m stressed/asking for help I write a lot.

文章来源: https://www.reddit.com/r/netsecstudents/comments/1ibpt0b/wgu_vs_ku_vs_certs_advice/