2025-01-23 (THURSDAY): KOI LOADER/KOI STEALER ACTIVITY REFERENCES: - Original article: https://www-secrss-com/articles/73274 - Translation: INFECTION CHAIN - unknown source --> Windows EXE --> script-based commands retrieve and run files for Koi Loader --> Koi Stealer activity INITIAL EXE: - SHA256 hash: e29d2bd946212328bcdf783eb434e1b384445f4c466c5231f91a07a315484819 - File size: 2,263,752 bytes - File name: Unknown, but Metadata has file description as "Pringle Setup" - File type: PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows KOI LOADER/KOI STEALER TRAFFIC AFTER RUNNING ABOVE EXE: - hxxp[:]//79.124.78[.]109/wp-includes/neocolonialXAW.php - hxxp[:]//79.124.78[.]109/wp-includes/phyllopodan7V7GD.php - hxxp[:]//79.124.78[.]109/wp-includes/barasinghaby.ps1 - hxxp[:]//79.124.78[.]109/wp-includes/guestwiseYtHA.exe - hxxp[:]//79.124.78[.]109/flocking.php - hxxp[:]//79.124.78[.]109/flocking.php - hxxp[:]//79.124.78[.]109/flocking.php - hxxp[:]//79.124.78[.]109/wp-includes/sd2.ps1 - hxxp[:]//79.124.78[.]109/index.php?id=&subid=zweyWGzf - hxxp[:]//79.124.78[.]109/index.php - hxxp[:]//79.124.78[.]109/index.php?ver=64 - hxxp[:]//79.124.78[.]109/index.php - hxxp[:]//79.124.78[.]109/index.php - hxxp[:]//79.124.78[.]109/index.php - hxxp[:]//79.124.78[.]109/flocking.php - hxxp[:]//79.124.78[.]109/flocking.php - hxxp[:]//79.124.78[.]109/flocking.php - hxxp[:]//79.124.78[.]109/flocking.php - hxxp[:]//79.124.78[.]109/flocking.php - hxxp[:]//79.124.78[.]109/flocking.php - hxxp[:]//79.124.78[.]109/flocking.php - hxxp[:]//79.124.78[.]109/flocking.php [and so on... The flocking.php URLs occur approximately every 60 seconds] PERSISTENCE: - Windows scheduled task: - Command C:\Windows\System32\wscript.exe C:\ProgramData\r6eac11b8-35d6-bffe-da50-d9e1a5ae832ar.js PERSISTENT FILE: - SHA256 hash: a6bda80c9f914fb5b640d3437c264993b49a91d997562d53f5ba8d32ac979ec1 - File size: 1,275 bytes - File location: C:\ProgramData\r6eac11b8-35d6-bffe-da50-d9e1a5ae832ar.js - File type: ASCII text, with very long lines, with CRLF line terminators - File description: Script file made persistent through the scheduled task FILES FROM THE C2 SERVER: - SHA256 hash: e69c34b9bad5d700c223dd80bfa26f27eea81f2c6522986ba6a042d52f7c8b86 - File size: 7,345 bytes - File type: ASCII text, with very long lines, with CRLF line terminators - File location: hxxp[:]//79.124.78[.]109/wp-includes/barasinghaby.ps1 - SHA256 hash: 94bf4f12cb8929037f6ee10d424d5a7ef5f193147312e22866dce4e0d56c2143 - File size: 194,048 bytes - File type: PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows - File location: hxxp[:]//79.124.78[.]109/wp-includes/guestwiseYtHA.exe - SHA256 hash: ec04c79b87ac9542831895891f96108bd9cef11b7af54e20f65a04c99ee35610 - File size: 1,275 bytes - File type: ASCII text, with very long lines, with CRLF line terminators - File location: hxxp[:]//79.124.78[.]109/wp-includes/neocolonialXAW.php - SHA256 hash: 07ddd7031ff2048a136789e6dc01212134d1ff2eacf0ece9faaf439ae2499198 - File size: 260 bytes - File type: ASCII text, with CRLF line terminators - File location: hxxp[:]//79.124.78[.]109/wp-includes/phyllopodan7V7GD.php - SHA256 hash: 6c22132896a9899d9ca4f9e1845525930c348c6c92e033b3ce1344c9d25a7122 - File size: 471,794 bytes - File type: ASCII text, with CRLF line terminators - File location: hxxp[:]//79.124.78[.]109/wp-includes/sd2.ps1 .NET BINARY USED FOR KOI STEALER COMPONENT: - SHA256 hash: 324216d52072da8f62c744aa1802a11dce13b60fca974c27ad2e5c53455f84e6 - File size: 77,824 bytes - File type: PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386 Mono/.Net assembly, for MS Windows - File description: .NET binary decoded from section in sd2.ps1 file.
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