If You Could Get a Neural Implant to Access ChatGPT, or Any LLM, Would You Let It?
2024-7-24 15:31:35 Author: hackernoon.com(查看原文) 阅读量:1 收藏

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Would you get an implant to access LLMs or the internet? What would the purchase details be for this, like warranty, subscription, and return policy?

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I was reading through my newsreader this morning and wondered what I could do if I could mainline that content right into my brain. What could you do if your noggin had access to all of the Internet's content in just a thought? Would you do it? The thought started with a series of articles on Nueralink and raised even more questions than just becoming NEO.

Here are some of the questions that popped into my head. I'm just asking '"for a friend."

  1. What would the warranty be on the chip? Do I get a limited warranty on parts and labor for the life of the implant?
  2. Do I need a subscription, and what happens if I stop paying?
  3. Would the free plan include advertising? If I am not on a paid tier, will I get an antacid ad when I try to fall asleep?
  4. Is the installation DIY, or must I book an appointment with a certified technician?
  5. Is there an open-source option?
  6. Can I fall asleep in a meeting and just let it answer for me?
  7. What happens if my neural implant gets hacked?
  8. If I'm unsatisfied with my neural implant, can I return it for a full refund or store credit?
  9. What's the battery life on this thing? Will I need to plug myself in at night?
  10. Can I resell my implant on Ebay? Mercari?
  11. Does it ship with Amazon Prime?
  12. Does it integrate with Zapier?
  13. Can it run Linux?
  14. Would I get spammed in my brain?
  15. Can salespeople contact me through it?
  16. Does it have an alarm clock?
  17. Is there a payment plan, or could I get it on layaway?
  18. Will it help me remember everyone’s name at my high school reunion?
  19. Could it help me forget half of the people from my high school?

I’m just curious about the consumer aspects of this. Honestly, I think we would turn into Jello if we could call up any fact, language, directions or ability to know everything. Why leave the house?

Some of the articles that got me started.

文章来源: https://hackernoon.com/if-you-could-get-a-neural-implant-to-access-chatgpt-or-any-llm-would-you-let-it?source=rss