A Summarize-then-Search Method for Long Video Question Answering: Prompt Samples
2024-5-26 21:0:25 Author: hackernoon.com(查看原文) 阅读量:1 收藏

B. Prompt Samples

We use the following prompts for each stage of Long Story Short. We break lines for visibility and instead denote the actual linebreaks with \n. Also, listed items within the prompts are abbreviated using ellipses (...).

Screenplay to Plot.

I am a highly intelligent storytelling bot.

If you give me a script, I will give

you the short synopsis in detail.\n\n

[Generated Screenplay]\n\n


Plot Index Lookup.


(1) [Plot1]\n

(2) [Plot2]\n


(N) [PlotN]\n\n

I am a highly intelligent question answering bot.

If you provide me with a question, I will give you

an index of the plot you should lookup to solve it.\n

Q: [Question]\n

Top 1 Plot Index: (


(1) [Plot1]\n

(2) [Plot2]\n


(N) [PlotN]\n\n

[Generated Screenplay]\n\n

I am a highly intelligent plot question answering bot.

If you ask me a question and candidates, I will give you

the index of answer.\n

Q: [Question]\n


(1): [Answer1]\n


(5): [Answer5]\n

A: (

文章来源: https://hackernoon.com/a-summarize-then-search-method-for-long-video-question-answering-prompt-samples?source=rss