In the last decade, security scanners have evolved to identify common vulnerabilities like SQL injections.
But that’s just not enough anymore.
In 2024, data leaks in applications come from exploiting business logic flaws. In the next few years, applications will grow in size and number too fast, so the true advantage will come from being able to find business logic vulnerabilities at scale.
The growing diversity of security tools changed the way we secured our applications in recent years. The next paragraphs may well change the way we secure our applications in the years to come.
In the security industry, we've witnessed a significant influx of security tools in recent years, offering solutions for various aspects like Cloud security testing, IaC, Container scanning, ASPM, Secret scanning, SAST, DAST.. . You name it.
We’ve heavily shifted towards securing applications before their release in production and helping developers write more secure code. Especially for the latter – tooling to help developers write more secure code has improved. We’re no longer used to long scan times or tools looking like security-oriented linters, turning whole IDE in red for very little value.
SCA tools like Snyk have appeared to ensure the packages we use do not contain any vulnerabilities.
Static analysis tools, which find injections and other bad coding practices, have become more developer-friendly and accessible with solutions like Semgrep.
Simple tools to test known vulnerabilities on web applications also have appeared, with some open-source ones like Nuclei being very good at it.
Yet, it didn’t stop data leaks from happening. Let’s be honest, static tools come with multiple limitations. Simultaneous to those improvements in the industry, from 2015 to 2022, data breaches in the healthcare industry rose more than twofold, from 270 to 707 per year.
How is that possible? How do we get better tooling to write secure code and find software vulnerabilities, and yet our applications are getting more and more hacked?
There are two explanations for this:
Finding business logic flaws at scale is hard from a technical perspective. Let’s say you have an application that allows your users to access their bank accounts.
The application is based on an API with a GET /user/[id]/account route.
One of the most obvious business logic flaws would be to forget to implement proper access control on the route, in a way that allows any authenticated user to access information from other accounts just by replacing the ID in the URL.
GET /user/{victim_account_id}/account => 200 OK
This type of vulnerability is called a BOLA, or Broken Object Level Access Control, and it’s a part of the 10 most common vulnerabilities in API according to OWASP.
Now, suppose that you want to write a test using Nuclei to ensure that user A cannot access user B’s account:
- method: GET
- "{{BaseURL}}/user/{{victim_account_id_1}}/account"
- "{{BaseURL}}/user/{{victim_account_id_2}}/account"
Authorization: "Bearer {{token_user_A}}"
matchers-condition: and
- type: status
- 200
While this might work, it has several important limitations:
and victim_account_id_2
existing in the database during your tests. If the database evolves, if any route pattern changes, your test becomes obsolete, and you must update it accordingly. And what’s worse than writing tests? You got it, maintaining tests.Consequently, writing and maintaining a proper set of business logic security tests for an API and an application is proportional to (number of features) x (number of possible vulnerabilities) x (number of fixture parameters)
Let’s try to evaluate what that means for an average-sized application:
So, ensuring proper business logic security testing for our application would require writing and maintaining 25 tests x 100 routes x 10 fixtures = 25,000 tests for an average-sized application. That’s totally impractical.
What if instead of specifying our tests, we could just write simple rules like “No admin routes should be accessible to unauthenticated users” or “No user should be able to access another account than his own”, and then let a program generate test cases for us according to our API structure and what’s in our database?
This is what we think security engineers deserve. So we decided to create it. There are three things we did to make this possible:
This is how Escape rules were born, a simple yet powerful YAML based language to write API business logic tests that are agnostic of the exact API routes and fixture data.
Until now, security engineers had to balance running generic, low-configuration security scans versus tailored tests that required a lot of maintenance over time. This is over thanks to Escape’s contextualized rule engine.
Despite their ability to test the business logic, Escape rules require zero maintenance. They don’t need to be tied to explicit routes or HTTP parameters. They adapt to the evolution of your existing APIs and new APIs without the need to maintain the ruleset. By design, they are resilient to evolving database fixtures in development environments.
With Escape rules, you can code a test once and forget about it, it will run on all your APIs and all your API updates, be it in CI/CD, development, or production environment.
While bug bounty programs and pentests are the most in-depth security assessment available today, the final check between an application and the wild internet, they have an inherent limitation: they are slow and point in time.
In most organizations, nothing prevents a junior developer from implementing again the same issue that had been detected by the bug bounty program and fixed years ago.
As powerful as they are, pentests and bug bounties depend on the developers' memory, and any turnover can make the same issues appear repeatedly.
Escape rules are changing this. Escape rules are so powerful that they can describe and detect a wide range of attack scenarios from the basic SQL injections or SSRF too, especially, efficient for complex multi-steps and multi-user access control problems like tenant isolation issues.
Consequently, most of what an API pentest or a bug bounty program can find can be quickly implemented as an Escape rule for fast detection at scale and in the CI/CD.
With Escape rules, you can capitalize on your pentest and bug bounty programs, implementing a new business logic test every time a new issue is manually detected, preventing them from reappearing elsewhere and ultimately creating a resilient organization.
Back in the old days, security engineers were focused on their specific applications. But in this era, sharing knowledge is absolutely mandatory. And was even sought by some of the security engineers we talked with. Imagine you’re running an e-commerce platform, who said that a business logic test for one couldn’t be reused for another?
Rest assured, we were mindful of that fact when launching Escape rules. While many security tools only have in-app functionalities, we created a GitHub repository with all custom security tests developed by the community and accessible to everyone.
Using it, security engineers from the community can collaborate on rules, create new ones, and share their own with their peers to create a network effect of detections.
Whether you need to explore it by vulnerability type or technology, it’s all there.
In the new internet order, everything is an API and every API is at risk. Business logic flaws in APIs are have become the most common security issues found by bug bounties and are overwhelmingly present in critical data leaks.
Until now, it was very hard for security engineers to find them at scale, because they are tied to the application’s custom logic, unlike vulnerabilities in dependencies and code smells found by SCA and SAST.
Thanks to Escape rules, our new easy-to-use yet powerful YAML-based language, we now live in a world where security engineers can quickly detect business logic level vulnerabilities at scale in all their APIs and applications, in all their environments, at zero maintenance cost.
Even better, they can share their business logic flaw detection rules with the community and collaborate to create more resilient applications and organizations. With Escape rules, security engineers are ready to secure an internet where API sprawl is a reality.
💡 Want to explore more about custom security tests? Check out the following articles and videos:
*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Escape - The API Security Blog authored by Tristan Kalos. Read the original post at: