Version 4.3 is packed with upgrades to enhance data center monitoring. Improvements in Connectivity, Alarm Event Management, and Notifications aim to boost your experience, offering customizable alarm settings, reducing email volume, and integrating seamlessly with MS Teams for alerts.
This feature allows Admins to create an Alarm Policy to send notifications to an outside communication or alerting system like MS Teams, which is available in this release. Now admins can link to a specific Microsoft Teams channel, adding different channels for different Alarm Policies as needed.
With the Connectivity Add-on feature, you can now enhance your Connections and Circuits by attaching docs, images, and links– along with Work Notes.
New Assets -> Events page for consolidated events management. You can export, filter, and sort events. As well, acknowledge or close events individually or in bulk.
Notification template now groups multiple events in one email to cut down on email overload. Admins can choose all or multiple asset types in a single Alarm Policy, a change from the previous single asset type limit. Also, admins can pick a notification channel for Alarm Policies.
VMware protocol has been enhanced to add a monitoring pipeline for discovered sensors. To use this enhancement, customers must update to the latest version of the Data Collector and rediscover the assets.
For further details about the release, including API changes and notable bug fixes, please refer to the Hyperview release notes.