2023-12-6 10:45:2 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:5 收藏

Too Long; Didn't Read

COLOURS. Chap. CCXXII.—What Surface is best calculated to receive most Colours. White is more capable of receiving all sorts of colours, than the surface of any body whatever, that is not transparent. To prove it, we shall say, that any void space is capable of receiving what another space, not void, cannot receive. In the same manner, a white surface, like a void space, being destitute of any colour, will be fittest to receive such as are conveyed to it from any other enlightened body, and will participate more of the colour than black can do; which latter, like a broken vessel, is not able to contain any thing. Chap. CCXXIII.—What Surface will shew most perfectly its true Colour. That opake body will shew its colour more perfect and beautiful, which has near it another body of the same colour. Chap. CCXXIV.—On what Surfaces the true Colour is least apparent. Polished and glossy surfaces shew least of their genuine colour. This is exemplified in the grass of the fields, and the leaves of trees, which, being smooth and glossy, will reflect the colour of the sun, and the air, where they strike, so that the parts which receive the light do not shew their natural colour. Chap. CCXXV.—What Surfaces shew most of their true and genuine Colour. Those objects that are the least smooth and polished shew their natural colours best; as we see in cloth, and in the leaves of such grass or trees as are of a woolly nature; which, having no lustre, are exhibited to the eye in their true natural colour; unless that colour happen to be confused by that of another body casting on them reflexions of an opposite colour, such as the redness of the setting sun, when all the clouds are tinged with its colour.
