Did you know about the Hyperproof Community?
2023-11-15 01:27:19 Author: securityboulevard.com(查看原文) 阅读量:4 收藏

Blog thumbnail vector image for the blog post, "Did you know about the Hyperproof Community?"

Hyperproof recently launched the Hyperproof Community, a platform where you can find tons of helpful information. We have guides, articles with tips and tricks on how to use the platform, video tutorials, and workshop recordings. Our community is a self-service portal designed to help you succeed!

Get answers to your questions about Hyperproof

Vector image to represent users getting answers to their questions in the Hyperproof platform

The Hyperproof Community is your one-stop-shop for all your questions. In the Community, you can:

  • Ask questions about the product and get responses from other Hyperproof users, partners, or one of our moderators 
  • Have meaningful discussions with other people in the compliance industry 
  • Mark the best answers so other users know what worked for you 
  • Work with others to resolve compliance issues 
  • Learn valuable information and showcase your expertise
  • Provide your own tips and tricks about the best ways to use Hyperproof. 
  • Become a thought leader by commenting, posting, or liking content and earning reputation points

Request new features

Vector image with gears and checkmarks to represent requesting new features in the Hyperproof platform

The Hyperproof Community has an Ideas portal where you can let us know about features you would like to see in upcoming releases. Community users can vote for your ideas, add some of their own, subscribe to an idea, or add comments with additional information. At any time, you can view ideas that you or team members from your company have submitted.

Our Product Management team evaluates each idea, makes note of the number of votes, and reviews any comments to prioritize these requests. We love to hear your feedback — it’s instrumental to our success as a product!

Create a support case

Vector image to represent a Hyperproof Community user creating a support case

If you have an issue that you can’t resolve, the Hyperproof Customer Support team is always ready to help you. You can easily submit support cases in the community, by selecting Support  > New Support Case and entering the details about your case in the form provided. After you submit your request, our team will get back to you with a solution as soon as possible!

You can also view a list of the support cases you have submitted and check on their status, add a comment to a specific case, review Customer Support responses, review associated emails, and upload files.

DevOps Unbound Podcast

Learn more

Vector image to represent a user learning more about the Hyperproof Community

To learn more, request a login to the Hyperproof Community and start browsing!  We’re sure you’ll find it a valuable place to learn and exchange information.

The post Did you know about the Hyperproof Community? appeared first on Hyperproof.

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Hyperproof authored by Hyperproof Team. Read the original post at: https://hyperproof.io/resource/did-you-know-hyperproof-community/

文章来源: https://securityboulevard.com/2023/11/did-you-know-about-the-hyperproof-community/