The Dangers of Using Weak or Reused Passwords
2023-11-13 22:5:41 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:9 收藏

Passwords are the first line of defence for many of our online accounts. A strong password can help to protect our personal information, financial data, and even our identities from being stolen. However, many people still use weak or reused passwords, which can put them at risk of cyberattacks.

What is a weak password?

A weak password is easy to guess or crack. This could be a password that is too short, uses common words or phrases, or contains personal information. Some examples of weak passwords include:

  • “123456”
  • “password”
  • “qwerty”
  • “letmein”
  • “yourname”
  • “yourbirthday”

Why are weak passwords dangerous?

Weak passwords are dangerous because they can be easily guessed by attackers. Attackers can use a variety of methods to crack weak passwords, such as:

  • Brute-force attacks: This involves trying every possible combination of characters until the password is cracked.
  • Dictionary attacks: This involves trying common words and phrases as passwords.
  • Social engineering: This involves tricking users into revealing their passwords, such as by sending phishing emails or creating fake websites.

If an attacker can crack your password, they will have access to your online accounts. This could allow them to steal your personal information, financial data, or even your identity.

The dangers of reusing passwords

Reusing passwords is also dangerous. If an attacker can crack one of your passwords, they will have access to all of the accounts that use that password. This is why it is important to use a unique password for every online account.

Real-time example:

Sam used weak passwords for her social media accounts. She also reused the passwords with incremental numbers at the end. This made it easy for attackers to guess her other passwords and gain access to her accounts. Even though Sam had a strong password policy for her work email account, the attackers were able to use her social media account to send a password reset link to her colleague. This means that even if you have a strong password policy, you are still at risk if you use weak or reused passwords on your other accounts.

DevOps Unbound Podcast

How to create strong passwords

To create strong passwords, you should:

  • Use a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.
  • Make your password at least 12 characters long.
  • Avoid using personal information in your password.
  • Don’t reuse passwords on multiple accounts.

Note: You can also use the password generators to generate strong passwords.

5 websites to Generate strong passwords:

How to manage your passwords

It can be difficult to keep track of multiple strong passwords. A password manager can help you to store and manage your passwords securely. A password manager will generate strong passwords for your accounts and store them in an encrypted database. You can then access your passwords from any device using a master password.


Using strong and unique passwords is one of the best ways to protect your online accounts from cyberattacks. By following the tips above, you can create and manage strong passwords that will help to keep your data safe.

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from HackerNet authored by CyB3rBEA$T. Read the original post at:
