2023-10-28 11:15:1 Author: hackernoon.com(查看原文) 阅读量:2 收藏

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Figs. 51 and 52 illustrate a very simple form of fixed-cylinder engine controlled by a slide valve. An open-ended “trunk” piston, similar in principle to that used in gas engines, is employed; and the valve is of the piston type, which is less complicated than the box form of valve, though less easily made steam-tight in small sizes. The engine is single-acting, making only one power stroke per revolution. The cylinder is a piece of brass tubing; the piston another piece of tubing, fitting the first telescopically. Provided that the fit is true enough to prevent the escape of steam, while not so close as to set up excessive friction, a packing behind the piston is not needed; but should serious leakage be anticipated, a packing of thick felt or cloth, held up by a washer and nuts on the gudgeon G, will make things secure. Similarly for the built-up piston valve P may be substituted a piece of close-fitting brass rod with diameter reduced, except at the ends, by filing or turning, to allow the passage of steam.

文章来源: https://hackernoon.com/a-simple-reciprocating-engine?source=rss