Harwardx, il master per gestire i rischi cyber nell’era dell’informazione
2023-9-28 17:1:42 Author: www.cybersecurity360.it(查看原文) 阅读量:3 收藏

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Il corso della prestigiosa università americana, interamente online, è stato progettato per fornire la capacità di elaborare, pianificare e sviluppare una strategia di mitigazione del rischio informatico

Pubblicato il 28 Set 2023

Harwardx, Cyber Security: Managing Risk in the Information Age


This online short course from Harvard’s VPAL and HarvardX is delivered in collaboration with online education provider, GetSmarter (American Entity). Course has been designed to provide: the ability to draft, strategize and develop a cyber risk mitigation strategy, including the appropriate legal and compliance steps that need to be taken when responding to cyberattacks and reporting cyberattacks to law enforcement; An in-depth understanding of the different types of cyberattacks, the business systems that are most at risk, and the importance of an organization-wide approach to cybersecurity.

Strumenti evoluti per abbattere i silos di informazioni all'interno delle aziende, scoprili ora!

The complete brochure of the course is available by filling the on line form.


Duration 8 weeks, excluding orientation, 8–11 hours per week entirely online.


Costs and start date are provided upon completion of the on line module.


Eric Rosenbach Course Convener, Co-Director, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School- ric Rosenbach is the director of the Defending Digital Democracy Project, and co-director of the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard Kennedy School. He previously served as the Chief of Staff to US Secretary of Defense Ash Carter, and held the position of Assistant Secretary of Defense. He was the Chief Security Officer for Tiscali, the largest pan-European internet service provider, and is a former US Army Intelligence Officer.


Module 1: Cybersecurity risk is business risk

Module 2: Identifying the threats to an organization

Module 3: Identifying important business systems and assets

Module 4: The crucial role of leadership in managing cyber risk

Module 5: Understanding your technology

Module 6: Cyber risk and the law

Module 7: Incident response and accountability

Module 8: Designing and implementing a mitigation strategy




Dal sito mediante compilazione del modulo on line o inviando mail a [email protected] | +1 617 682 7555.


文章来源: https://www.cybersecurity360.it/outlook/harwardx-il-master-per-gestire-i-rischi-cyber-nellera-dellinformazione/