Update: byte-stats.py Version 0.0.9
2022-10-24 08:0:0 Author: blog.didierstevens.com(查看原文) 阅读量:14 收藏

Update: byte-stats.py Version 0.0.9

This new version of byte-stats.py, my tool to generate statistics for (binary) data, comes with an update to report the longest:

  • printable string (ASCII bytes between 0x20 and 0x7E included)
  • hexadecimal string (ASCII hexadecimal digits, not checking if the length is an even number)
  • BASE64 strings (ASCII BASE64 digits without padding character =, not checking if the length is a multiple of 4)

byte-stats_V0_0_9.zip (http)
MD5: 9187073EB63DE78BDACA1A3AB096DD19
SHA256: 6BC1F8A6FDAA4E8484B6C86E38E214BCBF24AB20F80C92D8AEE3C5EA402D2F0C

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文章来源: https://blog.didierstevens.com/2022/10/24/update-byte-stats-py-version-0-0-9/