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python dynamic_modify_dns.py -domain=xxx.top -sub_domain=ipv6 -is_ipv6 -check_ip_fmt

`pip install -i https://mirrors.tencent.com/pypi/simple/ --upgrade tencentcloud-sdk-python click IPy`
* * * * * python 绝对路径更佳dynamic_modify_dns.py -domain=xxx.top -sub_domain=ipv6 -is_ipv6 -check_ip_fmt > /tmp/ddns.log

import jsonimport datetimeimport timeimport traceback import click as clickfrom tencentcloud.common import credentialfrom tencentcloud.common.profile.http_profile import HttpProfilefrom tencentcloud.common.profile.client_profile import ClientProfilefrom tencentcloud.common.exception.tencent_cloud_sdk_exception import TencentCloudSDKExceptionfrom tencentcloud.dnspod.v20210323 import dnspod_client, models SECRET_ID = ""SECRET_KEY = ""  def try_catch_and_score_time(fn):    def _wrapper(*args, **kwargs):        start = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')        print(f"{start} start ddns.")         ret = None        try:            ret = fn(*args, **kwargs)        except TencentCloudSDKException as e:            print(f"{traceback.format_exc()} error: {e}")         end = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')        print(f"{end} program exit now.")        return ret     return _wrapper  class DDNS:     def __init__(self, domain, sub_domain="", ipv6=True, check_ip_fmt=False):        self._domain = domain        self._sub_domain = sub_domain if len(sub_domain) > 0 else ("ipv6" if ipv6 else "ipv4")        self._is_ipv6 = ipv6        self._record_type = "AAAA" if self._is_ipv6 else "A"  # 待修改解析记录的解析类型,AAAA为解析到ipv6的记录类型        self._client = self.get_tencentcloud_client()        self._check_ip_format = check_ip_fmt     @try_catch_and_score_time    def dynamic_modify_dns(self):        """        默认DDNS到ipv6地址        """        if self._client is None:            return         # 1. 获取域名下的所有解析记录        req = models.DescribeRecordRequest()        params = {            "Domain": self._domain        }        req.from_json_string(json.dumps(params))         resp = self._client.DescribeRecordList(req)        # with open("record_list.json", "w") as f:        #     f.write(resp.to_json_string())         record_list = resp.RecordList        if len(record_list) <= 0:            print(f"RecordList length is 0. service will exit.")            return         # 2. 过滤解析记录列表,拿到需要修改的记录        record_need_to_modify: models.RecordListItem = None        for record in record_list:            name = record.Name            record_type = record.Type            if self._sub_domain != name or self._record_type != record_type:                continue            record_need_to_modify = record         old_value = None        if record_need_to_modify is None:            print(f"{self._domain} doesn't have {self._sub_domain} {self._record_type} sub domain. "                  f"to create {self._sub_domain}.{self._domain} {self._record_type} record.")            mod_record_id = self.create_dns_record()        else:            mod_record_id = record_need_to_modify.RecordId            old_value = record_need_to_modify.Value         # 3. 修改解析记录到动态ip上        dst_ip = self.get_dst_ip_for_dns_record(is_ipv6=self._is_ipv6, check=self._check_ip_format)        if dst_ip is None:            print(f"can't get new ip for ddns.")            return         if old_value == dst_ip:            print(f"value doesn't need to update. value: {old_value}.")            return         req = models.ModifyDynamicDNSRequest()        params = {            "Domain": self._domain,            "SubDomain": self._sub_domain,  # 如果不传,默认为 @            "RecordId": mod_record_id,            "RecordLine": "默认",            "Value": dst_ip        }        print(params)        req.from_json_string(json.dumps(params))         resp = self._client.ModifyDynamicDNS(req)        if str(mod_record_id) in resp.to_json_string():            print("successfully update ddns record!")     @staticmethod    def get_tencentcloud_client():        for cnt in range(3):            try:                cred = credential.Credential(SECRET_ID, SECRET_KEY)                httpProfile = HttpProfile()                httpProfile.endpoint = "dnspod.tencentcloudapi.com"                 clientProfile = ClientProfile()                clientProfile.httpProfile = httpProfile                client = dnspod_client.DnspodClient(cred, "", clientProfile)                return client            except TencentCloudSDKException as e:                print(f"program get tencent cloud client error for {cnt}: {e}.")                time.sleep(cnt + 1)        return None     def create_dns_record(self):        req = models.CreateRecordRequest()        params = {            "Domain": self._domain,            "SubDomain": self._sub_domain,            "RecordType": self._record_type,            "RecordLine": "默认",            "Value": "::1" if self._is_ipv6 else ""        }        req.from_json_string(json.dumps(params))         resp = self._client.CreateRecord(req)        return resp.RecordId     def get_dst_ip_for_dns_record(self, is_ipv6, check=True):        """        获取解析到的ip        :return:        """        # 1. 第一种方法,向免费公共方法获取目前的外网IP        import requests        url = f"https://api{6 if is_ipv6 else ''}.ipify.org?format=json"        r = requests.get(url)        ip = json.loads(r.text)['ip']         if check:            ip = self.check_ip_and_format(ip)        return ip     def check_ip_and_format(self, ipv6: str):        try:            import IPy            v = 6 if self._is_ipv6 else 4            IP = IPy.IP(ipv6)            IP.iptype()            # if IP.version == v and IP.iptype() in ['ALLOCATED APNIC']:            if IP.version() == v:                return str(IP)        except Exception as e:            print(e)        return None  # * * * * * python dynamic_modify_dns.py -domain=xxx.top -sub_domain=ipv6 -is_ipv6 -check_ip_fmt > /tmp/ddns.log@click.command()@click.option('-domain', required=True, default="", help="个人拥有的域名")@click.option('-sub_domain', default="ipv6", help="设置的二级域名")@click.option('-is_ipv6', is_flag=True, default=False, help="是否DDNS到ipv6上")@click.option('-check_ip_fmt', is_flag=True, default=False, help="检查IP格式")def cmd(domain, sub_domain, is_ipv6, check_ip_fmt):    DDNS(domain=domain, sub_domain=sub_domain,         ipv6=is_ipv6, check_ip_fmt=check_ip_fmt).dynamic_modify_dns()  if __name__ == '__main__':    cmd()



文章来源: http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzI4MDQ5MjY1Mg==&mid=2247504883&idx=2&sn=997dd835cad062c8e4a00ff10249d030&chksm=ebb53cf0dcc2b5e6e1bc48e1114cdadfe14447257a6cb8414e5c41c53f02380824d0c514aa5e#rd