I work a lot on my own. I mean, I plan a lot of what to do on a daily basis myself, I execute a lot of it myself and I push my code and changes to various git repositories, often solo. I work quite a lot.

In a lot of the cases, I work together with one or more persons in each individual case, but very often that’s one or a few different persons involved in each and every one.

Yet I work at a company with colleagues, friends, managers and sales people who occasionally wonder what I’ve been up to recently and what I’m working on right now.

Weekly reports

To share information, to combat my feeling of working in complete solitude and to better sync work with colleagues, I’ve been sending out a weekly report every Friday. It briefly explains what I did this week, what I blogged about and what I’m up to the next week.

I’ve done this on and off since I joined wolfSSL, and a while ago it dawned on me that since I do most of my work on open source code and in general in the open, I could just as well just make my “reports” available to the entire world. Or rather: those who care and are interested can find them and read them!

Minor details are still hush hush

Since I do commercial curl work with and for other companies, I need to not spill the beans on things like actual secrets and most company names will be anonymized. I hope that won’t interfere too much.


I decided to make it available on GitHub like this:


  • It allows me to edit the reports in plain markdown and commit it to git and yet have all the reports in one place for easy search and reference.
  • It allows me to have a discussion area on GitHub if anyone ever wants to discuss anything in the report with me.
  • It separates the reports from my blog.
