How can I reverse engineer a mobile game online to find the AES key and IV?
2024-6-14 01:59:28 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:11 收藏

Please help me find the AES key and IV to decrypt game files. These game files are stored on the user’s device at “Android/data/com.[package name]/files/Resources/[game patch]/”. You will see all the game files there; some are compressed with the ZSTD algorithm, while others are encrypted with AES. In cases where the files are compressed using the ZSTD algorithm, I can decompress them. However, I need assistance with decrypting files encrypted with AES.

The first 4 bytes serve as a header indicating whether the data is encrypted with AES or compressed with ZSTD.

The next 4 to 8 bytes represent the size of the data before it was encrypted or compressed

len(b”…”).to_bytes(length=4, byteorder=“little”)

And from the 8th byte onward is the encrypted data. (For files compressed using the ZSTD algorithm, use zstandard.FRAME_HEADER to locate the position of the compressed data.)

The structure of the encrypted or compressed data will be as follows: header + size + data.

Please help me. 🙏
