Hacking Tools You Should Be Learning in 2024
2024-2-25 14:50:49 Author: infosecwriteups.com(查看原文) 阅读量:17 收藏


InfoSec Write-ups

Hello everyone, today I’ll share important hacking tools you should get familiar with in 2024, especially if you’re kicking off your career in cybersecurity.

Nmap: The Network Mapper

Whether you are an aspiring master hacker, network engineer, or security engineer, there is one tool you need to be familiar with: Nmap. Nmap began as a simple, modest port-scanning tool with the ability to send TCP, UDP, or ICMP packets to a host and its ports to elicit a response. Then, based upon the host’s response, Nmap determines whether the port is open. Among the very first port scanners developed, Nmap is still going strong after over twenty years. It has evolved to become a powerful scanning tool with even some exploitation capabilities.

Nmap can be used for:

  • OS detection
  • Service and version detection
  • Evading firewalls
  • Doing DNS queries and subdomain search
  • Scanning for vulnerabilities and a whole host of other reconnaissance tasks

Wireshark: The Network Protocol Analyzer

Wireshark is one of those fabulous tools with which nearly everyone in the IT industry should be familiar. It is the most widely used sniffer/protocol analyzer and part of every network or security admin’s tool chest, or should be. Wireshark is a sniffer that enables us to examine every packet, and thereby analyze what is wrong with our network or what the intruder was trying to do.

Wireshark enables you to interactively browse the data, develop display filters, and view a reconstructed stream of a TCP session. It can interpret hundreds of different protocols and each of their structures.

Burp Suite: The Web Application Security Tester

Burp Suite is an integrated platform designed for web application security testing. Renowned within the cybersecurity community, it offers a comprehensive set of tools that enable security professionals and penetration testers to perform extensive testing of web applications. Its capabilities range from initial mapping and analysis of an application’s attack surface, through to…

文章来源: https://infosecwriteups.com/hacking-tools-you-should-be-learning-in-2024-e6875215d4f2?source=rss----7b722bfd1b8d---4