Missed IWCON 2023? Catch Recorded Expert Sessions Here (Pt. 2)
2024-2-23 19:51:50 Author: infosecwriteups.com(查看原文) 阅读量:8 收藏

InfoSec Write-ups

InfoSec Write-ups

Hello hacker

Missed attending IWCON 2023 — the biggest virtual cybersecurity conference of the world?

No worries, we’re here at your service with a second chance.

Over the next few weeks, we’ll be sharing links to watch recordings of all our expert sessions.

Speaker bio: Security researcher, public speaker and founder of Truffle Security

Topic name: Google Oauth is broken; keep access after leaving.

Follow the speaker on Twitter.

Video link

Watch video here

Speaker bio: Ex-IRS | Founder @ Saptang Labs, Divsight Intelligence, Maitravaruna & Pinaca Technologies.

Topic name: Understanding Chinese Cyber Threats

Follow the speaker on Twitter.

Video link

Watch video here

Speaker bio: Founder and Chief Research Officer of AppSecEngineer.

Topic name: Essential Skills for the next-generation of AppSec Engineers

Follow the speaker on Twitter.

Video link

Watch video here

We’ll be back next week with 3 more videos. You can catch the entire playlist of the IWCON 2023 recorded sessions here.


Editorial team,
Infosec Writeups

文章来源: https://infosecwriteups.com/missed-iwcon-2023-catch-recorded-expert-sessions-here-pt-2-27237d02cfbf?source=rss----7b722bfd1b8d---4