High-performance port scanner.
- Syn stateless scan
- Syn Automatic ARP detection on the Intranet
- Scanning for large address segments has low occupancy (by iprange)
- Scanning the address is shuffled
- Concurrent high performance (by ants)
- TCP scan
- Port Fingerprint Identification
- HTTP Service Detection
Use as a library
1. SYN scanner
package main import ( "github.com/XinRoom/go-portScan/core/host" "github.com/XinRoom/go-portScan/core/port" "github.com/XinRoom/go-portScan/core/port/syn" "github.com/XinRoom/iprange" "log" "time" ) func main() { single := make(chan struct{}) retChan := make(chan port.OpenIpPort, 65535) go func() { for { select { case ret := <-retChan: if ret.Port == 0 { single <- struct{}{} return } log.Println(ret) default: time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 10) } } }() // 解析端口字符串并且优先发送 TopTcpPorts 中的端口, eg: 1-65535,top1000 ports, err := port.ShuffleParseAndMergeTopPorts("top1000") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } // parse ip it, startIp, _ := iprange.NewIter("") // scanner ss, err := syn.NewSynScanner(startIp, retChan, syn.DefaultSynOption) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } start := time.Now() for i := uint64(0); i < it.TotalNum(); i++ { // ip索引 ip := it.GetIpByIndex(i) if !host.IsLive(ip.String(), false, 0) { // ping continue } for _, _port := range ports { // port ss.WaitLimiter() ss.Scan(ip, _port) // syn 不能并发,默认以网卡和驱动最高性能发包 } } ss.Close() <-single log.Println(time.Since(start)) }
2. TCP scanner
package main import ( "github.com/XinRoom/go-portScan/core/host" "github.com/XinRoom/go-portScan/core/port" "github.com/XinRoom/go-portScan/core/port/tcp" "github.com/XinRoom/iprange" "log" "net" "sync" "time" ) func main() { single := make(chan struct{}) retChan := make(chan port.OpenIpPort, 65535) go func() { for { select { case ret := <-retChan: if ret.Port == 0 { single <- struct{}{} return } log.Println(ret) default: time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 10) } } }() // 解析端口字符串并且优先发送 TopTcpPorts 中的端口, eg: 1-65535,top1000 ports, err := port.ShuffleParseAndMergeTopPorts("top1000") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } // parse Ip it, _, _ := iprange.NewIter("") // scanner ss, err := tcp.NewTcpScanner(retChan, tcp.DefaultTcpOption) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } start := time.Now() var wg sync.WaitGroup for i := uint64(0); i < it.TotalNum(); i++ { // ip索引 ip := make(net.IP, len(it.GetIpByIndex(0))) copy(ip, it.GetIpByIndex(i)) // Note: dup copy []byte when concurrent (GetIpByIndex not to do dup copy) if !host.IsLive(ip.String(), false, 0) { // ping continue } for _, _port := range ports { // port ss.WaitLimiter() wg.Add(1) go func(ip net.IP, _port uint16) { ss.Scan(ip, _port) wg.Done() }(ip, _port) } } ss.Close() <-single log.Println(time.Since(start)) }
3. For More
To see ./cmd/go-portScan.go
Cmd Build
git clone https://github.com/XinRoom/go-portScan
cd go-portScan
go get
go build cmd/go-portScan.go
Cmd Usage
.\go-portScan.exe -ip [-p str] [-Pn] [-sT] [-sV] [-httpx] [-rate num] [-rateP num] [-timeout num(ms)]
PortScan - A new cli application
PortScan [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
High-performance port scanner
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--ip value target ip, eg: ",,"
--iL value target ip file, eg: "ips.txt"
--port value, -p value eg: "top1000,5612,65120,-" (default: "top1000")
--Pn no ping probe (default: false)
--rateP value, --rp value concurrent num when ping probe each ip (default: 300)
--PT use TCP-PING mode (default: false)
--sT TCP-mode(support IPv4 and IPv6) (default: false)
--timeout value, --to value TCP-mode SYN-mode timeout. unit is ms. (default: 800)
--sS Use SYN-mode(Only IPv4) (default: true)
--nexthop value, --nh value specified nexthop gw add to pcap dev
--rate value, -r value number of packets sent per second. If set -1, TCP-mode is 1000, SYN-mode is 1500(SYN-mode is restricted by the network adapter, 2000=1M) (default: -1)
--devices, --ld list devices name (default: false)
--sV port service identify (default: false)
--httpx http server identify (default: false)
--netLive Detect live C-class networks, eg: -ip,, (default: false)
--maxOpenPort value, --mop value Stop the ip scan, when the number of open-port is maxOpenPort (default: 0)
--oCsv value, --oC value output csv file
--help, -h show help (default: false)
--Pn 在目标禁止PING时使用
--rate 在网络不稳定时(互联网)可以适当减少(互联网下建议500~1500)
--timeout 在网络不稳定时(互联网)可以适当增加
--nexthop 用于在syn扫描模式下,找不到路由网卡情况时,指定下一跳网关地址(需要是本地网卡上绑定的网关地址)
--PT ICMP不通时,使用常见端口的TCP探测主机是否存活
--sV 用于判断端口的服务(主要是探测风险比较大的服务)
--netLive 用于抽取网络内6个左右IP进行存活探测
--httpx 用于探测http服务的title等信息
--mop 用于目标组内存在防扫描防火墙的情况,单个IP扫描到开放的端口到达该值就停止对该IP扫描,避免浪费时间(建议值500)