timwhitez starred VehApiResolve
2022-8-8 10:30:37 Author: github.com(查看原文) 阅读量:26 收藏

Inspired by Dridex Loader's 32 bit API obfuscation.

How does this work?

We setup an exception handler.

AddVectoredExceptionHandler( CALL_FIRST, ApiResolverHandler );

This exception handler will only handle exception's thrown as EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT. When it is thrown by us, we're able to capture the CONTEXT. We can get the arguments passed. RDX and R8 will hold our function and module hash. We can then dynamically resolve them with GetProcAddrExH as seen

ExceptionInfo->ContextRecord->Rax = (ULONG_PTR)GetProcAddrExH( ExceptionInfo->ContextRecord->Rdx, ExceptionInfo->ContextRecord->R8 );

The RAX is often used to return values. When we return, if the address was resolved, it'll be returned.

LazyRet proc
	int 3	; raise an exception 
	ret		; rax will hold address
LazyRet endp
  1. Raise an exception.
  2. Handle this exception.
  3. Resolve the required function.
  4. Store it in RAX.
  5. Return.

We can then use this address.


Probably makes a reverse engineers life harder, which is always good.

文章来源: https://github.com/rad9800/VehApiResolve