Published at 2022-02-06 | Last Update 2022-02-06
本文翻译自 USENIX 2014 论文 In Search of an Understandable Consensus Algorithm (Extended Version) ,文中提出了如今已广泛使用的 Raft 共识算法。
在 Raft 之前,Paxos 几乎是共识算法的代名词,但它有两个严重缺点:
结果正如 Chubby(基于 Paxos 的 Google 分布式锁服务,是 Google 众多全球分布式系 统的基础)开发者所说:“Paxos 的算法描述和真实需求之间存在一个巨大鸿沟,...... 最终的系统其实将建立在一个没有经过证明的协议之上” [4]。 对于大学教授来说,还有一个更实际的困难:Paxos 复杂难懂,但除了它之外,又没有其他 适合教学的替代算法。
因此,从学术界和工业界两方面需求出发,斯坦福大学博士生 Diego Ongaro 及其导师 John Ousterhout 提出了 Raft 算法,它的最大设计目标就是可理解性, 这也是为什么这篇文章的标题是《寻找一种可理解的共识算法》。
与原文的可理解性目标类似,此译文也是出于更好地理解 Raft 算法这一目的。 因此,除了翻译时调整排版并加入若干小标题以方便网页阅读,本文还对照了 etcd/raft v0.4 的实现,这个版本已经实现了 Raft 协议的大部分功能,但还未做工程优化, 函数、变量等大体都能对应到论文中,对理解算法有很大帮助。
Raft 是一个管理复制式日志(replicated log)的共识算法 (consensus algorithm)。它的最终结果与 (multi-) Paxos 等价,也与 Paxos 一样高效,但结构(structure)与 Paxos 不同 —— 这使得它比 Paxos 更好理解,也更易于构建实际系统。
为易于理解,Raft 在设计上将共识拆分为 leader election、log replication、safety 等几个模块; 另外,为减少状态数量,它要求有更强的一致性(a stronger degree of coherency)。 从结果来看,学生学习 Raft 要比学习 Paxos 容易。
Raft 还引入了一个新的集群变更(添加或删除节点)机制,利用 重叠大多数(overlapping majorities)特性来保证安全(不会发生冲突)。
共识算法使多个节点作为一个整体协同工作,这样部分节点出故障时,系统作为一个整体 仍然可用。在构建可靠的大规模软件系统时,共识算法扮演着核心角色。
过去十几年,共识算法领域一直被 Paxos 牢牢统治 [15, 16]:大部分 共识算法的实现都基于 Paxos 或者受其影响,而 Paxos 也成了教学的 首要选择。
不幸的是,虽然已经有很多更通俗解释 Paxos 的尝试,但 Paxos 仍然难以理解。 此外,Paxos 需要做很复杂的架构改动才能应用到真实系统中。因此, 系统开发者和学生都对 Paxos 感到困惑 —— 我们自己也是如此,在经历了一番挣扎之后,我 们最终决定寻找一种新的、能为真实系统和日常教学提供更好基础的共识算法。
这项工作的成果就是本文将介绍的 Raft 共识算法。 我们特意采取了一些技术来使它更容易理解,包括 功能模块分解(leader election, log replication, and safety) 和 状态空间简化(相比于 Paxos,Raft 中不确定性程度和节点不一致的场景数量都变少了)。 一项针对两个学校共计 43 名学生的调查显示,Raft 要比 Paxos 好理解地多: 在学习了这两种算法之后,33 个同学回答 Raft 的问题要比回答 Paxos 的问题好。
Raft 在很多方面与现有的共识算法(例如 Viewstamped Replication [29, 22])类似,但也有几个新特征:
我们认为不管用于教学还是真实系统,Raft 都比 Paxos 和其他共识算法更好,它的优点包括,
讨论 replicated state machines [37] 时,通常都会涉及到共识算法。在这种模型中, 若干节点上的状态机计算同一状态的相同副本(compute identical copies of the same state),即使其中一些节点挂掉了,系统整体仍然能继续工作。
复制式状态机用于解决分布式系统中的一些容错(fault tolerance)问题。
例如,GFS [8]、HDFS [38]、RAMCloud [33] 等单 leader 大型系统,通常用一个 独立的复制式状态机来管理 leader election 及存储配置信息。 Chubby [2] 和 ZooKeeper [11] 也用到了复制式状态机。
复制式状态机通常用 replicated log(复制式日志)实现,如图 1 所示,
图 1. 复制式状态机架构。 共识算法管理着客户端发来的状态机命令的一个日志副本 (replicated log),状态机以完全相同的顺序执行日志中的命令,因此产生完全相同的输出。
在过去的十几年,Leslie Lamport 的 Paxos [15] 协议几乎是共识算法的代名词: 学校里教的基本上都是它,大部分共识算法的实现也是以它为起点。
不幸的是,Paxos 有两个致命缺点:
Paxos 的完整解释 [15] 众所周知地模糊,只有少数人 —— 并且 是在付出了极大的努力之后 —— 才成功理解了它。因此,出现了很多用更简单的术语 来解释 Paxos 的尝试 [16, 20, 21],这些解释关注在单决议子集上,但仍然很有挑战性。
在 NSDI 2012 的一次正式调研上,我们发现很少有人对 Paxos 感到舒适(comfortable) ,甚至包括那些资深研究者。我们自己也非常挣扎 —— 实际上直到 阅读了一些简化版解释性文章、并自己设计和实现了一种替代协议之后, 我们才完全理解了整个 Paxos 协议,整个过程用了几乎一年。
我们认为 Paxos 的模糊性来源于它把单决议子集作为了它的基础。
Paxos 没有为构建真实系统提供一个良好的基础,
一个原因是没有一个普遍接受的 multi-decree Paxos 算法:
Paxos 架构对于构建真实系统来说非常糟糕,其实也是 multi-decree 靠 single-decree 来组合的另一个结果。 例如,独立选择多个 log entry 然后合并成一个顺序 log 并没有多少好处,只会增加复杂性。 围绕单个 log 设计系统会更加简单和高效,新的 entry 以严格方式顺序追加到这个 log 文件。
Paxos 的核心是一个对称点对点模型(symmetric peer-to-peer) —— 虽然它最终出于性能考虑建议了一个弱领导力模型。 在一个简化的、只需做出单个决定的世界中,这样是有意义的,但实际系统并不满足这个前提。 如果需要做出多个决策,那还是先选举一个 leader,然后由 leader 来协调决策更加简单和快速。
这些问题导致的最终结果就是:实际系统与 Paxos 算法本身差异非常大,
Chubby 开发者的评论很有代表性:
Paxos 的算法描述和真实需求之间存在一个巨大鸿沟,...... 最终的系统其实将建立在一个没有经过证明的协议之上 [4]。
由于以上问题,我们认为 Paxos 既不能为开发真实系统提供良好基础,又不适用于教学。 而考虑到大型软件系统中共识的重要性,我们决定自己设计一种替代 Paxos、有更好特性的共识算法。
Raft 就是这一实验的产物。
设计 Raft 时我们有几个目标:
对于一大部分受众来说,这个算法要很好理解。另外,它必须很直观,这样系统构建者在 实现时能方便地进行扩展 —— 这一需求在真实世界中是必然存在的。
在设计 Raft 时,有好多次我们都必须在多种可选方案中做出抉择,我们的评估依据 就是可理解性:
例如,将 leader election、log replication、safety、membership changes 拆分开来。
具体来说,log 不允许有空洞(holes),而且 Raft 会避免各机器的 log 出现不一致。
虽然在大部分情况下我们极力避免非确定性,但在某些场景下,它却会提高可理解性。 尤其是,随机化方式(randomized approaches)会引入非确定性,但它们通过 “以同一种方式处理所有情况”(choose any; it doesn’t matter),让状态空间变得更小。 我们用随机化来简化 leader 选举算法。
Raft 是一个管理 replicated log 的算法。图 2 提炼了它的核心点作为索引和参考, 图 3 总结了该算法的一些核心特性;后文将详细介绍其中的细节。
图 2 和 3 都是用大文本框描述算法,很不直观,这里直接拆成段落作为 5.0 小节, 并对照 etcd/raft 的实现,方便理解。译注。
Raft 实现共识的机制是,
只有一个 leader 的设计简化了 replicated log 的管理。例如,
Leader 可能会挂掉(fail)或从集群中失联(disconnected),这种情况下会选举一个新 leader。
基于以上 leader 机制,Raft 将共识问题分解为三个相对独立的子问题,
所有节点上的持久状态:处理客户端请求时,需要 先更新这些持久状态(存储在稳定介质上),再响应请求。
:该节点已知的当前任期。节点启动时初始化为 0,然后单调递增。
func (l *Log) currentTerm() uint64 {
if len(l.entries) == 0 {
return l.startTerm
return l.entries[len(l.entries)-1].Term // 最后一个已提交 entry 所属的任期
:投票给谁(candidateId);如果没有就是 none;log[]
:log entries,索引从 1 开始;每个 entry 包含了状态机命令和 leader 收到这个 entry 时的 term 信息。所有节点上的易失状态:
:最后提交的 entry 的 index;初始化为 0,然后单调递增;lastAppliedIndex
:最后 apply 到状态机的 index ;初始化为 0,单调递增;Leader 节点上的易失状态:选举之后重新初始化
,为每个节点分别维护的编号,下次 replicate entry 时用;初始化为 leader_last_log_index + 1
,为每个节点分别维护的编号,表示已知的、复制成功的最大 index;初始化为 0,单调递增。AppendEntries
:leader 的任期编号;leaderId
:follower 重定向客户端时会用到;prevLogIndex
:上一个 log entry 的 index;prevLogTerm
:prevLogIndex entry 的 term;entries[]
:需要追加到 log 的新 entry(如果是 heartbeat,那数组为空;否则出于效率考虑可能会有多个);leaderCommit
:leader 的 commitIndex;返回结果
:currentTerm,leader 用来更新它自己;success
:如果 follower 包含了匹配 prevLogIndex and prevLogTerm 的 entry,则返回 true
func (l *Log) appendEntries(entries []*protobuf.LogEntry) error {
startPosition, _ := l.file.Seek(0, os.SEEK_CUR) // 定位到起始写入位置
for i := range entries { // Append each entry util hit an error.
logEntry := &LogEntry{
log: l, // 日志文件
Position: startPosition, // 起始写入位置
pb: entries[i], // 待写入 log entry
size = l.writeEntry(logEntry, w)
startPosition += size
return nil
func (l *Log) writeEntry(entry *LogEntry, w io.Writer) (int64, error) {
if len(l.entries) > 0 {
lastEntry := l.entries[len(l.entries)-1] // 上一个已经写入日志的 entry
if entry.Term < lastEntry.Term // 待写入 entry 所带的任期号不能小于前一 entry 所带的任期号
return -1, Errorf("raft.Log: Cannot append entry with earlier term")
if entry.Term == lastEntry.Term && entry.Index <= lastEntry.Index // 写入位置必须在前一个 entry 之后
return -1, Errorf("raft.Log: Cannot append entry with earlier index in the same term")
size := entry.Encode(w) // 写到持久存储,然后就可以 append 到 entries list 了
return int64(size), nil
candidate’s termcandidateId
candidate requesting votelastLogIndex
index of candidate’s last log entry (§5.4)lastLogTerm
term of candidate’s last log entry (§5.4)term
currentTerm, for candidate to update itselfvoteGranted
true means candidate received vote同样,看一段代码就很清楚了:
func (s *server) processRequestVoteRequest(req *RequestVoteRequest) (*RequestVoteResponse, bool) {
if _, ok := s.peers[req.CandidateName]; !ok // Candidate 节点不在本集群,直接 deny
return _, false
if req.Term < s.Term // 请求来自更早的任期(old term),直接拒绝
return _, false
if req.Term > s.Term { // 看到了比本节点还要新的任期号(term number),update 到本节点
s.updateCurrentTerm(req.Term, "")
} else if s.votedFor != "" && s.votedFor != req.CandidateName { // 当前节点已经投给了其他 candidate
return _, false
lastIndex, lastTerm := s.log.lastInfo()
if lastIndex > req.LastLogIndex || lastTerm > req.LastLogTerm // 如果 candidate 的 log 比我们的要老,则不投给它
return _, false
// 投票给该 candidate,然后重置本节点的 election timeout
s.votedFor = req.CandidateName
return newRequestVoteResponse(s.currentTerm, true), true
RPC,也没有投票给某个 candidate,则转入 candidate 状态。状态机:
func (s *server) followerLoop() {
for s.State() == Follower {
select {
case e := <-s.c:
switch req := {
case JoinCommand:
//If no log entries exist and a self-join command is issued then immediately become leader and commit entry.
if s.log.currentIndex() == 0 && req.NodeName() == s.Name() {
s.processCommand(req, e)
case *AppendEntriesRequest:
// If heartbeats get too close to the election timeout then send an event.
if elapsedTime > electionTimeout*ElectionTimeoutThresholdPercent {
case *RequestVoteRequest:
case *SnapshotRequest:
case <-timeoutChan:
timeoutChan = afterBetween(s.ElectionTimeout(), s.ElectionTimeout()*2)
转成 candidate 角色之后,立即开始选举,
RPCs 给其他所有节点根据结果,
RPC,则转入 follower 角色;状态机:
// The event loop that is run when the server is in a Candidate state.
func (s *server) candidateLoop() {
prevLeader := s.leader
s.leader = ""
lastLogIndex, lastLogTerm := s.log.lastInfo()
doVote := true
votesGranted := 0
for s.State() == Candidate {
if doVote {
s.currentTerm++ // Increment current term, vote for self.
s.votedFor =
// Send RequestVote RPCs to all other servers.
respChan = make(chan *RequestVoteResponse, len(s.peers))
for _, peer := range s.peers {
sendVoteRequest(s.currentTerm,, lastLogIndex, lastLogTerm, respChan)
// Wait for either:
// * Votes received from majority of servers: become leader
// * AppendEntries RPC received from new leader: step down.
// * Election timeout elapses without election resolution: increment term, start new election
// * Discover higher term: step down (§5.1)
votesGranted = 1
timeoutChan = afterBetween(s.ElectionTimeout(), s.ElectionTimeout()*2)
doVote = false
// If we received enough votes then stop waiting for more votes.
if votesGranted == s.QuorumSize() {
// Collect votes from peers.
select {
case resp := <-respChan:
if success := s.processVoteResponse(resp); success
case e := <-s.c:
var err error
switch req := {
case Command:
err = NotLeaderError
case *AppendEntriesRequest:
case *RequestVoteRequest:
// Callback to event.
e.c <- err
case <-timeoutChan:
doVote = true
,如果 lastLogIndex ≥ nextIndex[i]
:将从 nextIndex[i]
开始的所有 log entry 发送给节点 i
然后重试以上过程 (§5.3)N > commitIndex
、matchIndex[i] ≥ N
对大部分 i 成立、log[N].term == currentTerm
:设置 commitIndex = N
(§5.3, §5.4).状态机:
func (s *server) leaderLoop() {
logIndex, _ := s.log.lastInfo()
// Update the peers prevLogIndex to leader's lastLogIndex and start heartbeat.
for _, peer := range s.peers {
peer.startHeartbeat() // 定期发送心跳
// Commit a NOP after the server becomes leader.
// "Upon election: send initial empty AppendEntries RPCs (heartbeat) to each server."
// Begin to collect response from followers
for s.State() == Leader {
select {
case e := <-s.c:
switch req := {
case Command:
s.processCommand(req, e)
case *AppendEntriesRequest:
case *AppendEntriesResponse:
case *RequestVoteRequest:
s.syncedPeer = nil
一个 Raft cluster 包括若干台节点,例如典型的 5 台,这样一个集群能容忍 2 台节点发生故障。
在任意给定时刻,每个节点处于以下三种状态之一: leader、follower、candidate。
图 4 是相应的状态机,
图 4. Raft 状态机。
Raft 将时间划分为长度不固定的任期,任期用连续的整数表示, 如图 5 所示,
图 5. 时间被划分为多个任期(term)。
节点之间通信时,会带上它们各自的 currentTerm 信息;
Raft 服务器之间通过 RPC 通信,基础的共识算法只需要两种 RPC(前面已经给出了参考实现):
:由 candidates 在选举期间发起 (Section 5.2);AppendEntries
:由 leader 发起,用于 replicate log entries 并作为一种 heartbeat 方式 (Section 5.3).另外,Section 7 还会看到一种在服务器之间传输 snapshot 用的 RPC。
如果在一段时间内没有收到响应,服务器会对 RPC 进行重试;另外,为了最佳性能,服务器会并发执行 RPC。
Raft 使用一种 heartbeat 机制来触发 leader 选举。
消息)所有的 follower,以保持它的权威;对于一个 follower,当开始选举时,
然后它将处于 candidate 状态,直到发生以下三种情况之一,下文会分别讨论:
如果一个 candidate 获得了集群大多数节点针对同一任期(term)的投票, 那它就赢得了这个任期内的选举。
针对给定的任期,每个节点最多只能投一票,投票的标准是先到先得( first-come-first-served,注意,5.4 小节会引入一个额外限制)。“期得获该任期的大 多数选票”这一限制条件,决定了最多只会有一个 candidate 赢得选举 (也就是图 3 中 的选举安全特性)。一个 candidate 赢得选举之后,就会为 leader,然后发生心跳消息 给所有其他节点来建立它的权威,防止新的选举发生。
在等待投票期间,一个 candidate 可能会从其他服务器收到一个 AppendEntries RPC 声称自己是 leader。如果这个 leader 的任期 term (包含在 RPC 消息中),
第 3 种可能的结果是:该 candidate 既没有赢得也没有输掉这次选举。 如果多个 followers 在同一时间成为 candidates,投票就会很分散,最终没有谁能赢得大多数选票。 当发生这种情况时,每个 candidate 都会超时,然后各自增大 term 并给其他节点发送 RequestVote 请求,开始一轮新选举, 但如果没有额外的预防措施,这种投票分裂的情况看可能会无限持续下去。
Raft 使用随机选举超时来确保投票分裂 只会非常偶然地发生,并且发生之后能很快恢复正常。
首先是从一些固定时长(例如 150-300ms
这台超时的节点会在其他节点超时之前赢得选举(因为它的 term 更大,其他节点都会投票给它)。
随机化机制也同样用于处理投票分裂。每个 candidate 在一轮选举开始时, 会随机重置它的 election timeout,等到 timeout 之后才开始发起新一轮选举;这减少 了新一轮选举也发生投票分裂的可能性。Section 9.3 会看到,这种方式很快就能选出 leader。
选举是可理解性如何指导了我们的设计的一个例子。 最初我们计划使用的是一个 ranking system: each candidate was assigned a unique rank, which was used to select between competing candidates. If a candidate discovered another candidate with higher rank, it would return to follower state so that the higher ranking candidate could more easily win the next election. We found that this approach created subtle issues around availability (a lower-ranked server might need to time out and become a candidate again if a higher-ranked server fails, but if it does so too soon, it can reset progress towards electing a leader). We made adjustments to the algorithm several times, but after each adjustment new corner cases appeared. Eventually we concluded that the randomized retry approach is more obvious and understandable.
选出一个 leader 之后,它就开始服务客户端请求。
图 6:Log 文件组织方式
当一条 entry 被安全地应用到状态机之后,就认为这个 entry 已经提交了(committed)。
Leader 来判断何时将一个 log entry 应用到状态机是安全的。
Raft 保证已提交的记录都是持久的,并且最终会被所有可用的状态机执行。
5.4 小节会讨论 ldeader 变更之后应用这个规则时的情况,那时将会看到这种对于 commit 的定义也是安全的。 follower 一旦确定某个 entry 被提交了,就将这个 entry 应用到它自己的状态机(in log order)。
Raft 这种 log 机制的设计是为了保持各节点 log 的高度一致性(coherency)。 它不仅简化了系统行为,使系统更加可预测,而且是保证安全(无冲突)的重要组件。
如果不同 log 中的两个 entry 有完全相同的 index 和 term,那么
这两个 entry 一定包含了相同的命令; 这来源于如下事实:leader 在任意给定 term 和 log index 的情况下,最多只会创建 一个 entry,并且其在 log 中的位置永远不会发生变化。
这两个 log 中,从该 index 往前的所有 entry 都分别相同。 这一点是通过 AppendEntries 中简单的一致性检查来保证的:
请求中,leader 会带上 log 中前一个紧邻 entry 的 index 和 term 信息。以上两个条件组合起来,用归纳法可以证明图 3 中的 Log Matching Property:
正常情况下,leader 和 follower 的 log 能保持一致,但 leader 挂掉会导致 log 不一致 (leader 还未将其 log 中的 entry 都复制到其他节点就挂了)。 这些不一致会导致一系列复杂的 leader 和 follower crash。 Figure 7 展示了 follower log 与新的 leader log 的几种可能不同:
Fig 7. Leader 挂掉后,follower log 的一些可能场景。
图中每个方框表示一个 log entry,其中的数字表示它的 term。可能的情况包括:
例如,scenario (f) 可能是如下情况:从 term 2 开始成为 leader,然后向自己的 log 添加了一些 entry, 但还没来得及提交就挂了;然后重启后迅速又成为 term 3 期间的 leader,然后又加了一些 entry 到自己的 log, 在提交 term 2& 3 期间的 entry 之前,又挂了;随后持续挂了几个 term。
中的一致性检查Raft 处理不一致的方式是强制 follower 复制一份 leader 的 log, 这意味着 follower log 中冲突的 entry 会被 leader log 中的 entry 覆盖。 Section 5.4 将会看到再加上另一个限制条件后,这个日志复制机制就是安全的。
整个过程都发生在 AppendEntries RPC 中的一致性检查环节。
// Processes the "append entries" request.
func (s *server) processAppendEntriesRequest(req *AppendEntriesRequest) (*AppendEntriesResponse, bool) {
if req.Term < s.currentTerm
return _, false
if req.Term == s.currentTerm {
if s.state == Candidate // step-down to follower when it is a candidate
s.leader = req.LeaderName
} else {
s.updateCurrentTerm(req.Term, req.LeaderName)
// Reject if log doesn't contain a matching previous entry.
if err := s.log.truncate(req.PrevLogIndex, req.PrevLogTerm); err != nil {
return newAppendEntriesResponse(s.currentTerm, false, s.log.currentIndex(), s.log.CommitIndex()), true
s.log.appendEntries(req.Entries) // Append entries to the log.
s.log.setCommitIndex(req.CommitIndex) // Commit up to the commit index.
// once the server appended and committed all the log entries from the leader
return newAppendEntriesResponse(s.currentTerm, true, s.log.currentIndex(), s.log.CommitIndex()), true
// Truncates the log to the given index and term. This only works if the log
// at the index has not been committed.
func (l *Log) truncate(index uint64, term uint64) error {
if index < l.commitIndex // Do not allow committed entries to be truncated.
return fmt.Errorf("raft.Log: Index is already committed (%v): (IDX=%v, TERM=%v)", l.commitIndex, index, term)
if index > l.startIndex + len(l.entries) // Do not truncate past end of entries.
return fmt.Errorf("raft.Log: Entry index does not exist (MAX=%v): (IDX=%v, TERM=%v)", len(l.entries), index, term)
// If we're truncating everything then just clear the entries.
if index == l.startIndex {
l.file.Seek(0, os.SEEK_SET)
l.entries = []*LogEntry{}
} else {
// Do not truncate if the entry at index does not have the matching term.
entry := l.entries[index-l.startIndex-1]
if len(l.entries) > 0 && entry.Term != term
return fmt.Errorf("raft.Log: Entry at index does not have matching term (%v): (IDX=%v, TERM=%v)", entry.Term, index, term)
// Otherwise truncate up to the desired entry.
if index < l.startIndex+uint64(len(l.entries)) {
position := l.entries[index-l.startIndex].Position
l.file.Seek(position, os.SEEK_SET)
l.entries = l.entries[0 : index-l.startIndex]
return nil
都初始化为它自己的 log 文件的下一个 index (图 7 中就是 11
AppendEntries RPC 请求;如此下去,直到某个 index 时成功,这说明此时 leader
log 和 follower logs 已经匹配了。还可以对协议进行优化,来减小被拒的 AppendEntries RPC 数量。
例如,当拒绝一个 AppendEntries 请求时,follower 可以将冲突 entry 的 term 以及 log 中相同 term 的最小 index 信息包含到响应中。
有了这个信息,leader 就可以直接跳过这个 term 中的所有冲突记录,将
降低到一个合理值;这样每个 term 内所有的冲突记录只需要一次触发 AppendEntries RPC ,
而不是每个记录一个 RPC。
但实际中,我们怀疑是否有必要做这种优化,因为故障很少发生,不太可能有很多的不一致记录。 有了这个机制,新 leader 上台之后无需执行任何特殊操作来恢复 log 一致性。 它只需要执行正常操作,logs 会通过 AppendEntries 一致性检查来收敛。 leader 永远不会覆盖或删除自己 log 中的记录(Leader Append-Only Property in Figure 3)。
这种 log replication 机制展示了第二节中描述的理想共识特性:
前面几节介绍了 Raft 如何选举 leader 及如何 replicate log entry 的。但是,到目前为止 我们已经描述的那些机制,还不足以确保每个状态机以相同的顺序执行完全相同的命令流。 例如,考虑下面这个例子:
为了解决这个问题,本节将给 leader election 添加一个限制条件,这也是 Raft 算法的最后一块拼图。 具体来说,这个限制条件确保了任何 term 内的 leader 都包含了前面所有 term 内提交的 entries, 也就是图 3 中提到的 Leader Completeness 特性。本节还将给出简要的证明过程。
在任何基于 leader 的共识算法中,leader 最终都必须存储了所有的已提交 entry。
在某些共识算法中,例如 Viewstamped Replication [22],一个节点即使并未包含全部的 已提交 entries 也仍然能被选为 leader。这些算法有特殊的机制来识别缺失 entries, 并在选举期间或选举结束后立即发送给新 leader。不幸的是,这会导致额外的复杂性。
Raft 采取了一种更简单的方式:除非前面所有 term 内的已提交 entry 都已经 在某个节点上了,否则这个节点不能被选为 leader(后面将介绍如何保证这一点)。 这意味着无需从 non-leader 节点向 leader 节点同步数据,换句话说 log entries 只会从 leader 到 follower 单向流动。
因此,只要能确保这里提到的“至少不落后”语意,就能确保选出来的 leader 拥有集群的所有已提交 entries。 RequestVote RPC 实现了这个过程:请求中包含了发送方的 log 信息,如果当前 节点自己的 log 比对方的更新,会拒绝对方成为 leader 的请求。具体到实现上, 判断哪个 log 更加新,依据的是最后一个 entry 的 index 和 term:
新 leader 如何提交之前任期内遗留下来的、副本数量过集群半数的 entries?
5.3 小节提到,如果一个 entry 已经存储到了集群中的大多数节点上,leader 就认为这个 entry(在这个 term 内)提交成功了。 如果 leader 在提交这个 entry 之前挂了(即没有同步到大多数节点上),那下一个 leader 将承担这个 entry 的同步和提交任务。 但这里有一些新的问题,图 8 是一个例子:即使某个 entry 已经存储到了大多数节点,它仍然可能被新 leader 覆盖掉:
Fig 8. 时序图:举例说明为什么一个新 leader 上任之后,无法判断是否要提交前任 leader 遗留下来的未提交 entries
最上面一行数字是 log entry index,每个框中的数字是 term,
的 entry 复制到了 S2;term=3
;然后 S5 在 index=2
的位置接受了一个来自客户端的新 entry;term=4
然后 S1 继续同步挂掉之前的那个 entry(index=2
的 entry 会被 index=2,term=3
的 entry 覆盖掉。index=3,term=4
这种情况下,即使 S1 之后挂掉了,S5 还是无法赢得选举。
的 entry 将会被(不管是 S1 还是其他新 leader)提交,log 中所有之前的记录(例如这里的 index=2,term=2
的 entry)也都会被提交。这里的问题在于:判断是否要提交的唯一标准是“已同步的副本数量”:数量超过了集群半数,则认为
应该提交,没有考虑到任期信息,“任期不同但副本数量都超过集群半数”的情况是可能的,即上面的 (d) 情况。
因此,为了避免这个问题,Raft 做了一个限制:只有提交当前任期内的记录时,
才能用这种计算副本数量(counting replicas)的方式。对应到图 8 中就是 (d) 时刻,
的三个副本可以被合理覆盖,因为此时已经是 term=3
一旦当前任期内的一个 entry 已这种方式被提交了,那所有之前的 entries 都会被 Log
Matching Property 间接提交,对应图 8 中的 (e) 场景。
解决这个问题还有其他方式,但 Raft 这种方式更简单保守,在提交规则中进行处理,因为 entries 中保留了它们原始的 term 信息。
此外,相比于其他算法,Raft 中的新 leader 发送的 entry 数量更少。(other algorithms must send redundant log entries to renumber them before they can be committed).
有了以上基础,现在能更准确地证明 Leader Completeness 特性(需要用到 9.2 小节的 safety proof)。 我们用反证法,先假设它不成立。
假设任期 T 内的 leader leaderT 在它的任期内提交了一个 entry,但这个 entry 没有被后面任期内的 leader 存储。
考虑没有存储这个 entry 的最小的任期 U,U > T
leaderT 已经将这个 entry 同步到大部分节点上,而 leaderU 已经收到了大部 分节点的投票。因此,至少一个节点(“某个特定的投票者”)既接受了 leaderT 复制过来的记录,又投票给了 leaderU, 如图 9 所示。这个特殊的投票者是导致矛盾关键。
Fig 9. 如果 S1 (leader for term T) 在自己的任期内提交了一个记录,而 S5 被选为 term U 内的 leader,那至少有一个节点 (S3) 既接受了那个记录,又投票给了 S5。
这个投票者将选票给了 leaderU,这说明 leaderU 的 log 至少与该投票者是一样新的 (as up-to-date as the voter’s)。这会导致如下两个矛盾:
因此,大于 T 的所有 terms 内的 leader,一定包含 term T 内已提交的所有 entries。 Log Matching Property 保证了未来的 leaders 也会包含间接提交的记录,例如图 8 (d) 中的 index=2 记录。
Given leader Completeness Property, we can prove the State Machine Safety Property from Figure 3, which states that if a server has applied a log entry at a given index to its state machine, no other server will ever apply a different log entry for the same index. At the time a server applies a log entry to its state machine, its log must be identical to leader’s log up through that entry and the entry must be committed. Now consider the lowest term in which any server applies a given log index; the Log Completeness Property guarantees that leaders for all higher terms will store that same log entry, so servers that apply the index in later terms will apply the same value. Thus, the State Machine Safety Property holds.
Finally, Raft requires servers to apply entries in log index order. Combined with the State Machine Safety Property, this means that all servers will apply exactly the same set of log entries to their state machines, in the same order.
到目前为止讨论的都是 leader 挂掉的情况。 这一节讨论下 follower 和 candidate 挂掉的情况,这种其实更简单,而且处理方式是一样的。
如果一个 follower 或 canditate 挂掉了,那后面来的 RequestVote 和 AppendEntries 请求都会失败。
Raft 的一个设计要求是安全性(无冲突)绝对不能依赖时序(safety must not depend on timing): 绝对不能因为某些事件发生的快或慢了,就导致系统产生不正确的结果。
但另一方面,可用性(系统及时对客户端作出响应)对时序的依赖是不可避免的。 例如,有节点挂掉时,消息交换过程肯定会耗时更长,任何一个 candidate 可能都无法等到一个选举结果; 而没有一个稳定 leader 的话,Raft 就无法处理任何请求。
Raft 中最依赖时序的就是 leader 选举部分。 只要系统满足如下时序条件,Raft 就能选出和保持一个稳定的 leader:
broadcastTime ≪ electionTimeout ≪ MTBF
broadcastTime 和 MTBF 都是底层系统的特性,而 electionTimeout 是我们需要设置的。
0.5ms ~ 20ms
。10ms ~ 500ms
显然,关闭集群 -> 更新配置文件 -> 重庆开启集群
这里的本质问题就是避免在增删节点期间同时出现两个及以上 leader。 不幸的是,不管用什么方式,这个过程都是不安全的(unsafe):我们 无法在同一时刻原子地切换所有节点,因此在变更时,集群可能会分裂为两个独立的大多数 (two independent majorities),见图 10,
Fig 10. 节点数量从 3 个增加到 5 个。 这个过程是不安全的,因为不同节点的切换发生在不同时刻:例如 箭头指向的时刻,集群分裂成了两个大多数,分别用的老配置 Cold(server 1/2)和新配置 Cnew(server 3/4/5), 各自选出了一个 leader。
为确保安全,配置变更必须使用一种两阶段方式(a two-phase approach)来完成。 有很多种实现两阶段的方式,例如,某些系统 (e.g., [22]) 先在第一个阶段禁用老配置,这样它就不能继续处理新的客户端请求了;然后再通过 第二个阶段来启用新配置。在 Raft 中,
联合共识 combines both 老的和新的配置:
联合共识使得每个节点可以在任意时刻切换配置,而不会牺牲安全性; 而且集群变更期间,仍然能继续服务客户端请求。
集群配置用 replicated log 中的特殊 entry 来存储和通信,Figure 11 展示了配置变更的过程,
Fig 11.一次配置变更的时间线。
虚线表示配置已创建但还未提交;实线表示已提交。 Leader
- 首先在自己的 log 中创建一个配置项 Cold,new 并提交;这个配置会被集群大多数节点接受;
- 然后创建一个 Cnew 并提交到大多数节点;
- 在任何时刻,Cold 和 Cnew 都不可能同时独立做出决策,也就是说最多只有一个 leader。
Cold -> Cnew
会将这个请求作为一个 log entry 存储起来,用作联合共识(图中的 Cold,new);
然后用前面介绍的 log replication 机制将其同步到其他节点。如果 leader 挂了,使用 Cold 或 Cold,new 配置的节点们可能会选出一个新 leader, 取决于获胜的那个 candidate 是否收到了 Cold,new。 但不管哪种情况下,此时(这个时间段内)Cnew 都无法做出单边决策。
Cold,new 提交之后,除非有其他节点的同意,否则 Cold 或 Cnew 都无法做出决策, 并且 Leader Completeness Property 确保了只有那些有 Cold,new entry 的节点才能被选为 leader。 现在 leader 可以安全地创建一个 log entry 来描述 Cnew 并将其同步到集群其他节点。 同样,这份配置被每个节点看到之后就生效了(take effect)。新配置在 Cnew 的规则下被提交之后, 老的配置就无关紧要了,那些没有在新配置中的节点就都可以关掉了。 如图 11 所示,任何时刻都不会发生 Cold and Cnew 都能做出单边决策(unilateral decisions)的情况;这保证了安全性。
新节点加入集群时,它的 log 是空白的,因此需要一段时间来追赶到最新状态。在这 段时间内它是无法提交新 entry 的 —— 包括 Cold,new entry —— 也就是说有一段时间不可用。
为避免这个问题,Raft 引入了一个特殊的、用在配置变更前的新阶段。在这个阶段中, 新节点是以非投票成员(non-voting members)加入集群的:leader 会 同步 entry 给它们,但它们并不参与投票,计算集群节点数量(大多数)时也不考虑它们。 等到新节点赶上集群其他节点的状态之后,才开始前面介绍的配置变更过程。
这种情况下,leader 在提交了 Cnew 之后就卸任(steps down),变成 follower 状态。
这意味着会有一个时间窗口(这个 leader 提交 Cnew 期间),这个 leader 在 管理着一个不包括自己的集群;它在同步 log entries 给其他节点,但自己却并不被算作大多数。 Leader 切换发生在 Cnew 提交之后,因为这是新配置能独立工作的最早时刻( 从 Cnew 开始,肯定能选出一个 leader);在这个时刻之前,有可能只有 Cold 中的某个节点才能被选为 leader。
被移除的节点是指不在 Cnew 中的节点。 这些节点不会收到来自 leader 的心跳,因此会 timeout 然后开始新的选举。 它们会带着一个更大的 term 发起 RequestVote 轻轻,这会迫使当前 leader 回退到 follower 状态。最终虽然会选出一个新 leader,但由 于这些被移除的节点会再次 timeout 然后再次发起新一轮选举,因此 这个新 leader 会再次被赶下台 —— 如此循环,导致可用性很差。
为避免这个问题,节点相信已经有一个当前 leader 的情况下,会忽略 RequestVote RPC。 具体来说,如果一个节点还没有到 election timeout 状态,就收到了一条 RequestVote RPC, 它会忽略这个消息(不会更新自己的 term 或投出自己的选票)。
这对正常的选举是没影响的,因为每台节点在开始一轮选举之前,会等待至少一个最小 election timeout。 但能解决这里提到的问题:只要 leader 能向集群其他节点正常发送心跳,就不会被更大的 term 的 candidate 赶下台。
Raft 的 log 会随着处理客户端请求而不断增大,因此占用的存储空间越来越大,replay 时间也越来越长。如果没有一种机制来处理这些日志,最终将引发可用性故障。
Snapshot 是最简单的压缩方式。
在这种方式中,会对当前的整个日志做一次快照,将其写到持久存储上, 然后将已经做过快照的日志全部清空。Chubby 和 ZooKeeper 都使用了这种方式,接下来介绍 Raft 的快照方式。
func (s *server) TakeSnapshot() error {
lastIndex, lastTerm := s.log.commitInfo()
// check if there is log has been committed since the last snapshot.
if lastIndex == s.log.startIndex {
return nil
// Attach snapshot to pending snapshot and save it to disk.
s.pendingSnapshot = &Snapshot{lastIndex, lastTerm, nil, nil, s.SnapshotPath(lastIndex, lastTerm)}
state := s.stateMachine.Save()
// Clone the list of peers.
peers := make([]*Peer, 0, len(s.peers)+1)
for _, peer := range s.peers {
peers = append(peers, peer.clone())
peers = append(peers, &Peer{Name: s.Name(), ConnectionString: s.connectionString})
// Attach snapshot to pending snapshot and save it to disk.
s.pendingSnapshot.Peers = peers
s.pendingSnapshot.State = state
// We keep some log entries after the snapshot.
// We do not want to send the whole snapshot to the slightly slow machines
if lastIndex-s.log.startIndex > NumberOfLogEntriesAfterSnapshot {
compactIndex := lastIndex - NumberOfLogEntriesAfterSnapshot
compactTerm := s.log.getEntry(compactIndex).Term()
s.log.compact(compactIndex, compactTerm)
return nil
// compact the log before index (including index)
func (l *Log) compact(index uint64, term uint64) error {
var entries []*LogEntry
// the index may be greater than the current index if we just recovery from on snapshot
if index >= l.internalCurrentIndex() {
entries = make([]*LogEntry, 0)
} else {
entries = l.entries[index-l.startIndex:] // get all log entries after index
// create a new log file and add all the entries
new_file_path := l.path + ".new"
file := os.OpenFile(new_file_path, os.O_APPEND|os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, 0600)
for _, entry := range entries {
position, _ := l.file.Seek(0, os.SEEK_CUR)
entry.Position = position
old_file := l.file
os.Rename(new_file_path, l.path) // rename the new log file
l.file = file
old_file.Close() // close the old log file
// compaction the in memory log
l.entries = entries
l.startIndex = index
l.startTerm = term
return nil
Fig 12. A server replaces the committed entries in its log (indexes 1 through 5) with a new snapshot, which stores just the current state (variables x and y in this example). The snapshot’s last included index and term serve to position the snapshot in the log preceding entry 6.
Figure 12 shows the basic idea of snapshotting in Raft. Each server takes snapshots independently, covering just the committed entries in its log. Most of the work consists of the state machine writing its current state to the snapshot. Raft also includes a small amount of metadata in the snapshot: the last included index is the index of the last entry in the log that the snapshot replaces (the last entry the state machine had applied), and the last included term is the term of this entry. These are preserved to support the AppendEntries consistency check for the first log entry following the snapshot, since that entry needs a previous log index and term. To enable cluster membership changes (Section 6), the snapshot also includes the latest configuration in the log as of last included index. Once a server completes writing a snapshot, it may delete all log entries up through the last included index, as well as any prior snapshot.
Although servers normally take snapshots independently, leader must occasionally send snapshots to followers that lag behind. This happens when leader has already discarded the next log entry that it needs to send to a follower. Fortunately, this situation is unlikely in normal operation: a follower that has kept up with the leader would already have this entry. However, an exceptionally slow follower or a new server joining the cluster (Section 6) would not. The way to bring such a follower up-to-date is for leader to send it a snapshot over the network.
InstallSnapshot RPC
Invoked by leader to send chunks of a snapshot to a follower. Leaders always send chunks in order.
- term leader’s term
- leaderId so follower can redirect clients
- lastIncludedIndex the snapshot replaces all entries up through and including this index
- lastIncludedTerm term of lastIncludedIndex
- offset byte offset where chunk is positioned in the snapshot file
- data[] raw bytes of the snapshot chunk, starting at offset
- done true if this is the last chunk
- term currentTerm, for leader to update itself
Receiver implementation:
- Reply immediately if
term < currentTerm
- Create new snapshot file if first chunk (offset is 0)
- Write data into snapshot file at given offset
- Reply and wait for more data chunks if done is false
- Save snapshot file, discard any existing or partial snapshot with a smaller index
- If existing log entry has same index and term as snapshot’s last included entry, retain log entries following it and reply
- Discard the entire log
- Reset state machine using snapshot contents (and load snapshot’s cluster configuration)
Fig 13. A summary of the InstallSnapshot RPC. Snapshots are split into chunks for transmission; this gives the follower a sign of life with each chunk, so it can reset its election timer.
The leader uses a new RPC called InstallSnapshot to send snapshots to followers that are too far behind; see Figure 13. When a follower receives a snapshot with this RPC, it must decide what to do with its existing log entries. Usually the snapshot will contain new information not already in the recipient’s log. In this case, the follower discards its entire log; it is all superseded by the snapshot and may possibly have uncommitted entries that conflict with the snapshot. If instead the follower receives a snapshot that describes a prefix of its log (due to retransmission or by mistake), then log entries covered by the snapshot are deleted but entries following the snapshot are still valid and must be retained.
This snapshotting approach departs from Raft’s strong leader principle, since followers can take snapshots without the knowledge of leader. However, we think this departure is justified. While having a leader helps avoid conflicting decisions in reaching consensus, consensus has already been reached when snapshotting, so no decisions conflict. Data still only flows from leaders to followers, just followers can now reorganize their data.
We considered an alternative leader-based approach in which only leader would create a snapshot, then it would send this snapshot to each of its followers. However, this has two disadvantages. First, sending the snapshot to each follower would waste network bandwidth and slow the snapshotting process. Each follower already has the information needed to produce its own snapshots, and it is typically much cheaper for a server to produce a snapshot from its local state than it is to send and receive one over the network. Second, leader’s implementation would be more complex. For example, leader would need to send snapshots to followers in parallel with replicating new log entries to them, so as not to block new client requests.
There are two more issues that impact snapshotting performance. First, servers must decide when to snapshot. If a server snapshots too often, it wastes disk bandwidth and energy; if it snapshots too infrequently, it risks exhausting its storage capacity, and it increases the time required to replay the log during restarts. One simple strategy is to take a snapshot when the log reaches a fixed size in bytes. If this size is set to be significantly larger than the expected size of a snapshot, then the disk bandwidth overhead for snapshotting will be small.
The second performance issue is that writing a snapshot can take a significant amount of time, and we do not want this to delay normal operations. The solution is to use copy-on-write techniques so that new updates can be accepted without impacting the snapshot being written. For example, state machines built with functional data structures naturally support this. Alternatively, the operating system’s copy-on-write support (e.g., fork on Linux) can be used to create an in-memory snapshot of the entire state machine (our implementation uses this approach).
增量压缩方式,例如 log cleaning [36] and log-structured merge trees [30, 5],也是可行的。 这些只对一部分数据进行操作,因此压缩所占用的负载是随时间分布更加均匀。
这比 snapshot 方式要更精细但也更复杂,前者是直接作用在整个数据集上。 虽然 log cleaning 需要对 Raft 做出改动,但 Raft state machines 可以用与 snapshot 相同的接口来实现 LSM trees。
本节介绍客户端如何寻找集群 leader、Raft 如何支持 linearizable semantics [10] 等客户端交互内容, 这些是所有基于共识的系统(consensus-based systems)共同面临的问题, Raft 的处理方式也与其他系统类似。
Raft 中,客户端会将所有请求都发给 leader。但 leader 可能会发生切换, 如何确保客户端每次都能找到 leader 呢?
客户端启动时,首先会随机选择一个 raft 节点进行连接,
请求包含了 leader 信息,因此每个 follower 都知道哪个节点是 leader。// // The request sent to a server to append entries to the log. type AppendEntriesRequest struct { Term uint64 PrevLogIndex uint64 PrevLogTerm uint64 CommitIndex uint64 LeaderName string Entries []*protobuf.LogEntry }
如果 leader 挂了,客户端请求会超时,然后重新随机选择一个节点进行连接。
Raft 的目标之一是实现线性语义(linearizable semantics):每个操作看起来都是 立即执行(execute instantaneously)、精确执行一次(exactly once)。 但前面也提到,Raft 可能会多次执行同一条命令:例如,leader 在提交了 来自客户端的 log entry 但还没返回响应时就挂了,那客户端会向新 leader 重试这个命令,导致被第二次执行。
// The response returned from a server appending entries to the log.
type AppendEntriesResponse struct {
pb *protobuf.AppendEntriesResponse
peer string
append bool
type AppendEntriesResponse struct {
Term *uint64 `protobuf:"varint,1,req" json:"Term,omitempty"`
Index *uint64 `protobuf:"varint,2,req" json:"Index,omitempty"`
CommitIndex *uint64 `protobuf:"varint,3,req" json:"CommitIndex,omitempty"`
Success *bool `protobuf:"varint,4,req" json:"Success,omitempty"`
XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
只读操作无需向 log 文件写入任何内容。 但如果没有额外措施,可能会有返回过期数据的风险,因为处理这次请求的 leader 可能已经被一个新 leader 取代了,而它自己还不知道。
可线性化读(linearizable reads)能确保不会返回过期数据, 要支持这一特性,Raft 需要针对 leader 引入两个额外措施:
Leader 必须有 “哪些 entry 已经被提交” 的最新信息。
Leader Completeness 特性保证了 leader 有所有的已提交 entry,但在它的任期刚开始时, it may not know which those are. To find out, it needs to commit an entry from its term.
Raft 的处理方式是,让每个 leader 在任期开始时,提交一个空的 no-op entry 到 log。
leader 在处理只读请求之前,必须能检查自己是否被剥夺了 leader 位置。
Raft 的处理方式是,在处理只读请求之前,让 leader 与集群的大多数节点交换心跳消息。 或者,leader 可以依靠心跳机制提供一种租约形式 [9],但这需要依赖 timing for safety (it assumes bounded clock skew).
We have implemented Raft as part of a replicated state machine that stores configuration information for RAMCloud [33] and assists in failover of the RAMCloud coordinator. The Raft implementation contains roughly 2000 lines of C++ code, not including tests, comments, or blank lines. The source code is freely available [23]. There are also about 25 independent third-party open source implementations [34] of Raft in various stages of development, based on drafts of this paper. Also, various companies are deploying Raft-based systems [34]. The remainder of this section evaluates Raft using three criteria:
To measure Raft’s understandability relative to Paxos, we conducted an experimental study using upper-level undergraduate and graduate students in an Advanced Operating Systems course at Stanford University and a Distributed Computing course at U.C. Berkeley. We recorded a video lecture of Raft and another of Paxos, and created corresponding quizzes.
The quizzes tested basic understanding of the algorithms and also required students to reason about corner cases. Each student watched one video, took the corresponding quiz, watched the second video, and took the second quiz. About half of the participants did the Paxos portion first and the other half did the Raft portion first in order to account for both individual differences in performance and experience gained from the first portion of the study.
We compared participants’ scores on each quiz to determine whether participants showed a better understanding of Raft. We tried to make the comparison between Paxos and Raft as fair as possible. The experiment favored Paxos in two ways: 15 of the 43 participants reported having some prior experience with Paxos, and the Paxos video is 14% longer than the Raft video. As summarized in Table 1, we have taken steps to mitigate potential sources of bias.
Concern | Steps taken to mitigate bias | Materials for review [28, 31] |
Equal lecture quality | Same lecturer for both. Paxos lecture based on and improved from existing materials used in several universities. Paxos lecture is 14% longer. | videos |
Equal quiz difficulty | Questions grouped in difficulty and paired across exams. | quizzes |
Fair grading Used rubric. | Graded in random order, alternating between quizzes. | rubric |
Table 1: Concerns of possible bias against Paxos in the study, steps taken to counter each, and additional materials available.
All of our materials are available for review [28, 31]. On average, participants scored 4.9 points higher on the Raft quiz than on the Paxos quiz (out of a possible 60 points, the mean Raft score was 25.7 and the mean Paxos score was 20.8); Figure 14 shows their individual scores.
Fig 14. A scatter plot comparing 43 participants’ performance on the Raft and Paxos quizzes. Points above the diagonal (33) represent participants who scored higher for Raft.
A paired t-test states that, with 95% confidence, the true distribution of Raft scores has a mean at least 2.5 points larger than the true distribution of Paxos scores. We also created a linear regression model that predicts a new student’s quiz scores based on three factors: which quiz they took, their degree of prior Paxos experience, and the order in which they learned the algorithms. The model predicts that the choice of quiz produces a 12.5-point difference in favor of Raft. This is significantly higher than the observed difference of 4.9 points, because many of the actual students had prior Paxos experience, which helped Paxos considerably, whereas it helped Raft slightly less. Curiously, the model also predicts scores 6.3 points lower on Raft for people that have already taken the Paxos quiz; although we don’t know why, this does appear to be statistically significant.
We also surveyed participants after their quizzes to see which algorithm they felt would be easier to implement or explain; these results are shown in Figure 15.
Fig 15. Using a 5-point scale, participants were asked (left) which algorithm they felt would be easier to implement in a functioning, correct, and efficient system, and (right) which would be easier to explain to a CS graduate student.
An overwhelming majority of participants reported Raft would be easier to implement and explain (33 of 41 for each question). However, these self-reported feelings may be less reliable than participants’ quiz scores, and participants may have been biased by knowledge of our hypothesis that Raft is easier to understand. A detailed discussion of the Raft user study is available at [31].
We have developed a formal specification and a proof of safety for the consensus mechanism described in Section 5. The formal specification [31] makes the information summarized in Figure 2 completely precise using the TLA+ specification language [17]. It is about 400 lines long and serves as the subject of the proof. It is also useful on its own for anyone implementing Raft. We have mechanically proven the Log Completeness Property using the TLA proof system [7]. However, this proof relies on invariants that have not been mechanically checked (for example, we have not proven the type safety of the specification). Furthermore, we have written an informal proof [31] of the State Machine Safety property which is complete (it relies on the specification alone) and relatively precise (it is about 3500 words long).
Raft’s performance is similar to other consensus algorithms such as Paxos. The most important case for performance is when an established leader is replicating new log entries. Raft achieves this using the minimal number of messages (a single round-trip from leader to half the cluster). It is also possible to further improve Raft’s performance. For example, it easily supports batching and pipelining requests for higher throughput and lower latency. Various optimizations have been proposed in the literature for other algorithms; many of these could be applied to Raft, but we leave this to future work. We used our Raft implementation to measure the performance of Raft’s leader election algorithm and answer two questions. First, does the election process converge quickly? Second, what is the minimum downtime that can be achieved after leader crashes?
To measure leader election, we repeatedly crashed the leader of a cluster of five servers and timed how long it took to detect the crash and elect a new leader (see Figure 16).
Fig 16. 检测与替换一个挂掉的 leader 所需的时间。 The top graph varies the amount of randomness in election timeouts, and the bottom graph scales the minimum election timeout. Each line represents 1000 trials (except for 100 trials for “150–150ms”) and corresponds to a particular choice of election timeouts; for example, “150–155ms” means that election timeouts were chosen randomly and uniformly between 150ms and 155ms. The measurements were taken on a cluster of five servers with a broadcast time of roughly 15ms. Results for a cluster of nine servers are similar.
To generate a worst-case scenario, the servers in each trial had different log lengths, so some candidates were not eligible to become leader. Furthermore, to encourage split votes, our test script triggered a synchronized broadcast of heartbeat RPCs from leader before terminating its process (this approximates the behavior of leader replicating a new log entry prior to crashing). leader was crashed uniformly randomly within its heartbeat interval, which was half of the minimum election timeout for all tests. Thus, the smallest possible downtime was about half of the minimum election timeout.
The top graph in Figure 16 shows that a small amount of randomization in the election timeout is enough to avoid split votes in elections. In the absence of randomness, leader election consistently took longer than 10 seconds in our tests due to many split votes. Adding just 5ms of randomness helps significantly, resulting in a median downtime of 287ms. Using more randomness improves worst-case behavior: with 50ms of randomness the worstcase completion time (over 1000 trials) was 513ms.
The bottom graph in Figure 16 shows that downtime can be reduced by reducing the election timeout. With an election timeout of 12–24ms, it takes only 35ms on average to elect a leader (the longest trial took 152ms).
However, lowering the timeouts beyond this point violates Raft’s timing requirement: leaders have difficulty broadcasting heartbeats before other servers start new elections. This can cause unnecessary leader changes and lower overall system availability. We recommend using a conservative election timeout such as 150–300ms; such timeouts are unlikely to cause unnecessary leader changes and will still provide good availability.
There have been numerous publications related to consensus algorithms, many of which fall into one of the following categories:
The greatest difference between Raft and Paxos is Raft’s strong leadership: Raft uses leader election as an essential part of the consensus protocol, and it concen- 15trates as much functionality as possible in leader. This approach results in a simpler algorithm that is easier to understand. For example, in Paxos, leader election is orthogonal to the basic consensus protocol: it serves only as a performance optimization and is not required for achieving consensus. However, this results in additional mechanism: Paxos includes both a two-phase protocol for basic consensus and a separate mechanism for leader election. In contrast, Raft incorporates leader election directly into the consensus algorithm and uses it as the first of the two phases of consensus. This results in less mechanism than in Paxos.
Like Raft, VR and ZooKeeper are leader-based and therefore share many of Raft’s advantages over Paxos. However, Raft has less mechanism that VR or ZooKeeper because it minimizes the functionality in non-leaders. For example, log entries in Raft flow in only one direction: outward from leader in AppendEntries RPCs. In VR log entries flow in both directions (leaders can receive log entries during the election process); this results in additional mechanism and complexity. The published description of ZooKeeper also transfers log entries both to and from leader, but the implementation is apparently more like Raft [35].
Raft has fewer message types than any other algorithm for consensus-based log replication that we are aware of. For example, we counted the message types VR and ZooKeeper use for basic consensus and membership changes (excluding log compaction and client interaction, as these are nearly independent of the algorithms). VR and ZooKeeper each define 10 different message types, while Raft has only 4 message types (two RPC requests and their responses). Raft’s messages are a bit more dense than the other algorithms’, but they are simpler collectively. In addition, VR and ZooKeeper are described in terms of transmitting entire logs during leader changes; additional message types will be required to optimize these mechanisms so that they are practical.
Raft’s strong leadership approach simplifies the algorithm, but it precludes some performance optimizations. For example, Egalitarian Paxos (EPaxos) can achieve higher performance under some conditions with a leaderless approach [27]. EPaxos exploits commutativity in state machine commands. Any server can commit a command with just one round of communication as long as other commands that are proposed concurrently commute with it. However, if commands that are proposed concurrently do not commute with each other, EPaxos requires an additional round of communication. Because any server may commit commands, EPaxos balances load well between servers and is able to achieve lower latency than Raft in WAN settings. However, it adds significant complexity to Paxos.
Several different approaches for cluster membership changes have been proposed or implemented in other work, including Lamport’s original proposal [15], VR [22], and SMART [24]. We chose the joint consensus approach for Raft because it leverages the rest of the consensus protocol, so that very little additional mechanism is required for membership changes. Lamport’s α-based approach was not an option for Raft because it assumes consensus can be reached without a leader. In comparison to VR and SMART, Raft’s reconfiguration algorithm has the advantage that membership changes can occur without limiting the processing of normal requests; in contrast, VR stops all normal processing during configuration changes, and SMART imposes an α-like limit on the number of outstanding requests. Raft’s approach also adds less mechanism than either VR or SMART.
Algorithms are often designed with correctness, efficiency, and/or conciseness as the primary goals. Although these are all worthy goals, we believe that understandability is just as important. None of the other goals can be achieved until developers render the algorithm into a practical implementation, which will inevitably deviate from and expand upon the published form. Unless developers have a deep understanding of the algorithm and can create intuitions about it, it will be difficult for them to retain its desirable properties in their implementation.
In this paper we addressed the issue of distributed consensus, where a widely accepted but impenetrable algorithm, Paxos, has challenged students and developers for many years. We developed a new algorithm, Raft, which we have shown to be more understandable than Paxos.
We also believe that Raft provides a better foundation for system building. Using understandability as the primary design goal changed the way we approached the design of Raft; as the design progressed we found ourselves reusing a few techniques repeatedly, such as decomposing the problem and simplifying the state space. These techniques not only improved the understandability of Raft but also made it easier to convince ourselves of its correctness.
The user study would not have been possible without the support of Ali Ghodsi, David Mazieres, and the students of CS 294-91 at Berkeley and CS 240 at Stanford. Scott Klemmer helped us design the user study, and Nelson Ray advised us on statistical analysis. The Paxos slides for the user study borrowed heavily from a slide deck originally created by Lorenzo Alvisi. Special thanks go to David Mazieres and Ezra Hoch for finding subtle bugs in Raft. Many people provided helpful feedback on the paper and user study materials, including Ed Bugnion, Michael Chan, Hugues Evrard, Daniel Giffin, Arjun Gopalan, Jon Howell, Vimalkumar Jeyakumar, Ankita Kejriwal, Aleksandar Kracun, Amit Levy, Joel Martin, Satoshi Matsushita, Oleg Pesok, David Ramos, Robbert van Renesse, Mendel Rosenblum, Nicolas Schiper, Deian Stefan, Andrew Stone, Ryan Stutsman, David Terei, Stephen Yang, Matei Zaharia, 24 anonymous conference reviewers (with duplicates), and especially our shepherd Eddie Kohler. Werner Vogels tweeted a link to an earlier draft, which gave Raft significant exposure. This work was supported by the Gigascale Systems Research Center and the Multiscale Systems Center, two of six research centers funded under the Focus Center Research Program, a Semiconductor Research Corporation program, by STARnet, a Semiconductor Research Corporation program sponsored by MARCO and DARPA, by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 0963859, and by grants from Facebook, Google, Mellanox, NEC, NetApp, SAP, and Samsung. Diego Ongaro is supported by The Junglee Corporation Stanford Graduate Fellowship.