I received the “call” at the end of 2020 but my second TEDx was on late August 2021. It was a super, incredible wonderfull experience in where I met corgeos people and great professionals. I took this experience like a “summer project” and in three months I was able to deliver my speach. Great mentors and coaches I met during this path and I am so grateful to everybody contributed to make this unforgiveble day.
My talk was about “Art in cybersceyrity”. In other words how scientists, professionals and enterpreneurs could see the cyber defence with a different prespective. We are used, as cyber defenders, to think like attackers, by thinking to what an attacker would do, we increase the probability to anticipate her steps, increasing the probability to defend our assets. But this approach doesn’t really works, in fact there are so many successful cyber attaks on the world ! Moreover the attacks are increasing their sophistications and are even increasing the impact over the victim organizations as well. So, why don’t try to change mind ? So why don’t try to use another paradigm to increase the defensive mechanisms ?
During this talk I explore if the art, maximum human expression, would be a nice way to change paradigm: from thinking like an attacker to thinking like an artist. I explore how Deep Learning applied to Malware visualization algorith would move in this direction, shooting some simple examples. I still wonder if the art (meant like the maximum human expression) would safe the future of digital life.
Have a nice view !