TX Text Control .NET Server For ASP.NET Arbitrary File Read / Write
TX Text Control .NET Server For ASP.NET Arbitrary File Read / WriteHej,Let's keep it short ... 2024-11-15 05:41:37 Author: cxsecurity.com(查看原文) 阅读量:5 收藏

TX Text Control .NET Server For ASP.NET Arbitrary File Read / Write

Hej, Let's keep it short ... ===== Intro ===== A "sudo make me a sandwich" security issue has been identified in the TX Text Control .NET Server for ASP.NET[1]. According to the vendor[2], "the most powerful, MS Word compatible document editor that runs in all browsers". Likely all versions are affected however, it was not confirmed. ===== Issue ===== It was possible to change the configured system path for reading and writing files in the underlying operating system with privileges of the user running a web application. This could be achieved by calling the setfiledirectory() function exposed via JavaScript API[3]. === PoC === -- cut -- TXTextControl.setFileDirectory(0, "c:\\") -- cut -- See also the attached image file for details. =========== Remediation =========== Contact the vendor[4] directly for remediation guidance. ======== Timeline ======== 14.10.2024: Security contact requested from [email protected] . 31.10.2024: CVE requested from MITRE. ......2024: Nobody cares. 12.11.2024: The advisory has been released. ========== References ========== [1] https://www.textcontrol.com/products/asp-dotnet/tx-text-control-dotnet-server/overview/ [2] https://www.textcontrol.com [3] https://docs.textcontrol.com/textcontrol/asp-dotnet/ref.javascript.txtextcontrol.setfiledirectory.method.htm [4] https://www.textcontrol.com/contact/email/general/ Cheers, Filip Palian


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文章来源: https://cxsecurity.com/issue/WLB-2024110022