2024-10-7 00:0:0 Author: taxodium.ink(查看原文) 阅读量:0 收藏

Feynman famously said: Imagine how much harder physics would be if electrons had feelings.

Getting started shouldn't be an afterthought after you built the product. Getting started is the product!


Make it possible for users to use your product on their laptop in a couple of minutes, tops.



Too many programming books and tutorials are like “let’s build a house starting from scratch, brick by brick” when what I want to “here is a functioning house, let’s learn about it by changing something and then seeing what happens”


The sad but true part of programming is, the default mode is that you're fixing an error of some sort. This means that users are going to spend the majority of the time with your tool trying to figure out what's not working.


  • Developers getting to success faster are happy developers. They will like your tool. 更快获得成功的开发人员是快乐的开发人员。他们会喜欢你的工具。
  • Developers banging their heads against errors are sad developers. They will blame your tool. 在错误面前磕头的开发人员是可悲的开发人员。他们会指责你的工具。

Put code snippets in the exceptions. Emit helpful warnings when users are likely to do something weird. Do what you got to do to make the user succeed.




Every new conceptual thing you have to understand before using the tool makes is a new friction point. If it's 2-3 things, that's fine. But no one is going to bother learning 8 new concepts.

在使用工具之前,你必须了解的每一个新概念东西都是一个新的摩擦点。如果是 2-3 个东西,那还好。但是没有人会去费心学习 8 个新概念。

避免概念过载,降低用户的心智负担。关于心智负担,可以看看 Cognitive Load is what matters

Somewhat related to the previous point, let's say in your framework you introduce a thing that takes some values and evalutes to a new values. What do you call it? A compute node? A valuator? A frobniscator?

No! You call it a function!



If it walks like a duck, and it quacks like a duck, it probably is a duck.


Calling it a function means you latch onto a users pre-existing mental model of what a function does. Which will save you like, 90% of the explanation of how to think about this object.

将其称为函数意味着你抓住了用户关于函数作用的已有心智模型。这将省去 90% 的解释工作,让你知道如何看待这个对象。

Unless defaults apply in 97%+ of the time, and unless magic applies 99% of the time, be careful about introducing it. These are not exact numbers obviously, but my point is, you need to be very very judicious.

除非在 97% 以上的情况下使用默认设置,除非在 99% 的情况下使用特殊方法,否则在引入时一定要小心谨慎。这些显然不是精确的数字,但我想说的是,你需要非常非常谨慎。

I sometimes think the challenge of designing for the 1st time user is similar to making a pop song. The producer will listen to the song a thousand times. But still the 999th time they hear it, they need to imagine what it sounds like to a person that hears it the first time, which seems… super hard.

我有时认为,为第一次使用的用户进行设计所面临的挑战与制作一首流行歌曲类似。制作人会听上千遍这首歌。但在第 999 次听到这首歌时,他们仍需要想象第一次听到这首歌的人听起来是什么感觉,这似乎……超级困难。

文章来源: https://taxodium.ink/11.html