Tips about fetching attachment list from Service Notification
2023-12-6 14:28:2 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:6 收藏

If the requirement is to send the PDF files fetched from the attachment list of service notifications once the service order reaches to specific status, how to get those linked document files based on the service order number will be the key. That is the purpose of this article.

1, Get the notification number(QMNUM) from AFIH (Maintenance order header) based on the Service order number(AUFNR).

2, Get Document Type(DRAD-DOKAR) and Document number(DRAD-DOKNR) from DRAD(Document-Object Link) with the notification number used as OBJKY.

3, Fetch the attachment lists through BAPI_DOCUMENT_GETDETAIL2 from the Service notification based on document details.
  call function 'BAPI_DOCUMENT_GETDETAIL2'
      documenttype         = drad-dokar
      documentnumber       = drad-doknr
      documentpart         = drad-doktl
      documentversion      = drad-dokvr
      getobjectlinks       = 'X'
      getcomponents        = 'X'
      getactivefiles       = 'X'
      getdocdescriptions   = 'X'
      getdocfiles          = 'X'
      getclassification    = 'X'
      documentdata         = l_documentdata
      return               = l_return
      objectlinks          = lt_objectlinks
      documentdescriptions = lt_documentdescriptions
      longtexts            = lt_longtexts
      statuslog            = lt_statuslog
      documentfiles        = lt_documentfiles "<===store the attachment files
      components           = lt_components
      characteristicvalues = lt_characteristicvalues
      classallocations     = lt_classallocations
      documentstructure    = lt_bapi_doc_structure
      whereusedlist        = lt_whereusedlist.
4. Filter those file attributes like file name/extension/creation time etc inside lt_documentfiles.

5, Load the Content of the Physical document Object into an Internal Table through ‘SDOK_PHIO_LOAD_CONTENT’ according to lt_documentfiles-file_id.
  ls_object_id-class = 'DMS_PCD1'.
  ls_object_id-objid = wa_document_file_id-file_id.
  call function 'SDOK_PHIO_LOAD_CONTENT'
      object_id           = ls_object_id
      client              = sy-mandt
      file_access_info    = l_file_access_info
      file_content_binary = l_file_content_binary
      not_existing        = 1
      not_authorized      = 2
      no_content          = 3
      bad_storage_type    = 4
      others              = 5.
6, Convert the files’ Binary content into XSTRING with ‘SCMS_BINARY_TO_XSTRING’.
    call function 'SCMS_BINARY_TO_XSTRING'
          input_length  = l_file_detail-file_size
          first_line    = l_file_detail-first_line
          last_line     = l_file_detail-last_line
          buffer        = r_file_in_binary
          binary_tab    = l_file_content_binary
          error_message = 1
          others        = 2.
7. Finally, convert Xstring to Solix with cl_document_bcs=>xstring_to_solix and send an email with BCS.
    gt_attach_content = cl_document_bcs=>xstring_to_solix( gv_pdf_xstring ).
    gv_attach_size = xstrlen( gv_pdf_xstring ).
    CL_DOCUMENT_BCS->add_attachment( i_attachment_type    = lv_file_type
                                     i_attachment_subject = lv_file_subject
                                     i_attachment_size    = gv_attach_size
                                     i_att_content_hex    = gt_attach_content

Please kindly comment if any quick approach can fetch those attachment files more efficiently and more straightforwardly. Thanks : )
